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You are here: Home » Axis Bank » Madhya Pradesh » Indore Axis Bank District wise Branch list in Indore District of Madhya Pradesh State, As on Mar 6, 2018 there are 27 neft, rtgs, enabled computerized Axis Bank Branches in Indore District
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  IFSC   MICR   Branch City District State
UTIB0000043 452211002 Indore Indore Indore Madhya Pradesh
Kamal Palace, 1 Yeshwant Colony Yeshwant Niwas Road
UTIB0000503 452211003 Sapna Sangita Road (Indore) Indore Indore Madhya Pradesh
16/2, Sneh Nagar Main Road, Sapna Sangita Road, Indore 452 001,Madhya Pradesh,452001
UTIB0000568 452211004 Vijayanagar Indore Indore Madhya Pradesh
H/1 Scheme No. 54, Vijay Nagar Indore 452010
UTIB0000570 452211005 Annapoorna Indore Indore Madhya Pradesh
85, Mishra Nagar, Near Annapoorna Temple, Indore 452009
UTIB0000650 NA Gawli Palasia (Madhya Pradesh) Gawli Palasia Indore Madhya Pradesh
Agra Bombay Roadvillage Gawli Palasia, Tehsil Mhowdist Indore, Pin 453 441, Madhya Pradesh
UTIB0001139 452211007 Itwariya Bazar Rajwada-Indore Indore Indore Madhya Pradesh
Upper Ground Floor, Shop No.20-21,Sir Hukumchand Marg,Itwariya Bazar, Rajwada, Indore,Madhya Pradesh, Pin 452002
UTIB0001173 452211008 Lasudia Mori Lasudia Nori Indore Madhya Pradesh
Ground Floor, Survey No 103/3/1,Lasudia Mori, A.B. Road , Indore,Madhya Pradesh, Pin 452010
UTIB0001514 452211009 Kanadiya Road-Indore Indore Indore Madhya Pradesh
84 Swami Vivekanand Nagar, Kanadiya Road , Indore , Madhya Pradesh, Pin 452001
UTIB0001533 452211010 Indore (Service Branch) Indore Indore Madhya Pradesh
Kamal Palace, 1 Yeshwant Colony, Yeshwant Niwas Road , Indore , Madhya Pradesh, Pin 452 003
UTIB0001680 452211012 A B Road Indore Indore Indore Madhya Pradesh
139, Phadnis Colony, A.B. Road, Indore (Mp) - 452010
UTIB0001681 452211011 Airport Road Indore Indore Indore Madhya Pradesh
622, Kalani Nagar, Airport Road, Indore (Mp) - 452005
UTIB0001931 452211013 Rau Indore ( M P) Indore Indore Madhya Pradesh
G-1, Ground Floor, Prk Residency, A B Road,Near Punjab National Bank, Rau, Indore (Mp) - 453331
UTIB0001934 452211014 Bicholi Hapsi Indore ( M P ) Indore Indore Madhya Pradesh
G-2, Ground Floor, “Harsh Heritage”, Plot No. 7, Neer Nagar Colony, Vill Bhicholi Hapsi, Indore (Mp) - 452001
UTIB0002508 452211015 Sinhasa Indore Indore Madhya Pradesh
Ground Floor, 663, Chouhan Market, Jawahar Tekari, At Village Sinhasa, Dhar Road, Dist : Indore, Pin- 452002
UTIB0002509 453211999 Ringnodiya Sawer Indore Madhya Pradesh
Ground Floor, Sanwer Road, At Vilage Ringnodiya, Post Dharampuri Or Solsinda, Taluka : Sanwer, District: Indore, Pin-453551
UTIB0002512 452211017 Palda Palda Indore Madhya Pradesh
Ground Floor,105, Shri Ram Nagar, Nemawar Main Road Palda, District: Indore, Pin-452001
UTIB0002661 452211019 Sukhaliya Indore Indore Indore Madhya Pradesh
Ground Floor Shop No 1 2 3 And 4 Veenanagar Mangal Nagar Prime City Main Road Indore 452010
UTIB0002662 452211018 Mth Compound Indore Indore Indore Madhya Pradesh
Ground Floor 1 2 5 6 11 And 12 Rajaram Mohan Roy Complex Mth Compound Indore 452001
UTIB0002820 452211020 Marimata Square Indore Indore Madhya Pradesh
Ground Floor 3 Vip Road No 1 Raghuvanshi Colony Main Road Distt Indore 452006
UTIB0002973 NA Mhow Mhow Indore Madhya Pradesh
Ground Floor Agarwal Tower 984 Manek Chowk Mhow 453441
UTIB0002975 NA Anand Bazar Indore Indore Indore Madhya Pradesh
Ground Floor 70 Shree Nagar Ext Khajrana Main Road Anand Bazar Pin 452001
UTIB0003029 NA Bombay Hospital Square Indore Indore Indore Madhya Pradesh
Gr Fl Plus 4 Plot No 2 Bombay Trade Centre Ug 1 A Sch No 54 Bombay Hospital Link Road 452010
UTIB0003119 452211023 Geeta Bhavan Square Indore Indore Indore Madhya Pradesh
Upper Ground Floor 128 Juhi Plaza Kanchan Bagh Geeta Bhavan Square Indore 452001
UTIB0003152 452211024 Khandwa Road Indore Indore Indore Madhya Pradesh
Upper Ground Floor Libra Cyena Tower 9 10 Rani Bag Khandwa Road Indore 452 020
UTIB0003188 452211025 Phooti Kothi Indore Indore Indore Madhya Pradesh
Gr Fl Shop no7 Orange Square rc01 Scheme no71 Sector C P K Ring Road Square 452009
UTIB0003430 452211026 Pipliyahana Sq Indore Indore Madhya Pradesh
Pipliyahana Squ Ind Mp Gr Flr Shivay Plaza Plot No p1 zone10 Brajeshwari Ext Pipliyahana Sqmain Rd Vip
UTIB0003633 452211027 Pardeshipura Indore Indore Madhya Pradesh
40 1 Pardeshipura Road, Pardeshipura
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