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You are here: Home » Canara Bank » Bihar » Samastipur Canara Bank District wise Branch list in Samastipur District of Bihar State, As on Mar 6, 2018 there are 9 neft, rtgs, enabled computerized Canara Bank Branches in Samastipur District
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  IFSC   MICR   Branch City District State
CNRB0000989 848015099 Muktapur Muktapur Samastipur Bihar
P B No. 87, Opp Rly Station, Dharbanga Road, Muktapur, Dist Samastipur (Bihar) - 848101
CNRB0001724 848015098 Dhurlakh Dharlakh Samastipur Bihar
I Floor, Laxmi Market, Opp. Rlwaystation, Kishanpur, Durlakh, Samastipur Dist (Bihar) - 848301,
CNRB0002311 848015002 Samastipur Samastipur Samastipur Bihar
Ganesh Chowk Samastipur 848101, , ,
CNRB0003629 848015999 Bikrampur Bande Samastipur Samastipur Bihar
Canara Bank, Bikrampur Bande -848 101, Block And Dist:Samastipur(Bihar)
CNRB0004565 848015102 Dalsinghsarai Dalsinghsarai Samastipur Bihar
Tripit Sunder Complex Near Mahavir Chowk Gudari Road Dalsinghsarai Distt. Samastipur (Bihar)
CNRB0004587 848015503 Balbhadrapur Khajuri Khajuri Chowk Samastipur Bihar
Khan Market, Khajuri Chowk, Po-Khajuri, Dist-Samastipur, Pin-848301
CNRB0006097 848015504 Madanpur Shivnagar Samastipur Samastipur Bihar
Kushiari Chowk Madanpur Shivnagar Po Karua,Via Pusa Block Kalyanpur Dist Samastipur Pin 848125
CNRB0004572 NA Rosera Rosera Samastipur Bihar
Canara Bank Ff, Shashi-Asha Complex, Block Road, Ward no18, Rosera Po, Samastipur Dist Rosera Bihar 848210
CNRB0006339 NA Shahpur Undi Patory Samastipur Bihar
Canara Bank In Front Of G B Inter College, Opp Police Station, Shahpur Undi Bihar 123
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