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You are here: Home » Canara Bank » Haryana » Panipat Canara Bank District wise Branch list in Panipat District of Haryana State, As on Mar 6, 2018 there are 12 neft, rtgs, enabled computerized Canara Bank Branches in Panipat District
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  IFSC   MICR   Branch City District State
CNRB0001399 132015002 Panipat Main Panipat Panipat Haryana
G.T. Road, Panipat 132103,
CNRB0002032 NA G.T.Road-Babarpur Mandi Babarpur Panipat Haryana
G T Road, Babarpur Mandi,Dist Panipat (Haryana) -132 114
CNRB0002048 NA Naultha Naultha Panipat Haryana
V & P.O, Naultha, Dist. Panipat, (Haryana) - 132001
CNRB0002049 NA Assandh Road-Panipat Panipat Panipat Haryana
Assandh Road, Panipat 132 103,
CNRB0003019 NA Panipat Sanoli Road-Panipat Panipat Panipat Haryana
817/9 Raj Towers Sanoli Road Panipat-132103
CNRB0003232 132015202 Samalkha Samalkha Panipat Haryana
G T Road Samalkha Dist Panipat, Haryana State
CNRB0003979 132015007 Sme Panipat Panipat Panipat Haryana
Near Hotel Gold,Niit Building, G T Road, Panipat-132103
CNRB0005060 NA Panipat Mcb Panipat Panipat Haryana
Excel Tower, Ground Floor, Near Sanjay Chowk, G T Road, Panipat - 132103, Panipat Tehsil, Panipat Dist Haryana
CNRB0005324 132015010 Nizampur Panipat Panipat Haryana
S C O 181 Sector 17 Panipat Pin Code 132103
CNRB0005524 132015009 Panipat Sec Panipat Panipat Haryana
S C O 181 Sector 17 Panipat Pin Code 132103
CNRB0006140 NA Panipat Tehsil Camp Panipat Panipat Haryana
Canara Bank 3906 1 Adjacent Ahuja Tyres Tehsil Camp Dist Panipat Panipat Harayana
CNRB0006393 NA Dehra Panipat Panipat Haryana
Canara Bank Vill And Po Dehra, Panipat Dist Dehra Harayana
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