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You are here: Home » Canara Bank » Kerala » Wayanad Canara Bank District wise Branch list in Wayanad District of Kerala State, As on Mar 6, 2018 there are 16 neft, rtgs, enabled computerized Canara Bank Branches in Wayanad District
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  IFSC   MICR   Branch City District State
CNRB0000137 673015202 Kalpetta Kalpetta Wayanad Kerala
Maru Devi Complex, Gudalai, Kalpetta-673121,
CNRB0000248 670015202 Mananthavady Mananthavady Wayanad Kerala
P B No. 9, M.P. Vi/1, Pjn Bld,Valliyur Kavu Road,Mananthody 670 645
CNRB0000355 673015815 Padinjarethara Padinjarethara Wayanad Kerala
P.P.Vi/135, Padinjarethara, Wayanad Dist, Kerala - Pin 673 575
CNRB0000358 673015816 Vythiri Vythiri Wayanad Kerala
Vp 6/46, Vythiri, , Wynad Dist, Kerala - 673576
CNRB0000746 673015817 Chundale Chundale Wayanad Kerala
V.P. 1/492, Chundale 673123
CNRB0000827 673015819 Meenangadi Mananthavady Wayanad Kerala
Mp Vii/467,Opp.Panchayat Office,Meenangadi 673591
CNRB0000834 673015252 Sultanbathery Sulthanbathery Wayanad Kerala
Lucky Plaza, Door No.4/682, Award No.4, Sultan Battery 673592
CNRB0000856 670015809 Panamaram-Wynad Dist Panamaram Wayanad Kerala
Pp Vi/503, Main Road, Panamaram , Wynad Dist, Kerala - 670 721
CNRB0000863 673015820 Pulpally Pulpally Wayanad Kerala
1st Floor, Mvp Buildings, Main Road,Pulpally 673 579,
CNRB0001042 670015993 Thondernad Thondernad Wayanad Kerala
Deepa Sobha, Thondernadu, Via Vellamunda, Dist Wayanad, Kerala - 670731
CNRB0001136 670015811 Thalappuzha Thariyode Wayanad Kerala
Tpi/391, Tellichery Road, , Thalappuzha , Wayanad Dist, Kerala - 670664
CNRB0001701 673015821 Perikallur Wayanad Wayanad Kerala
St.Thomas Church Building, , Perikkallur,Waynad Dist, Kerala - 673 579
CNRB0001781 670015810 Payyampally Payyampally Wayanad Kerala
D No. X/346a, , Pauuampally ,Wynad Dist, Kerala - 670 646
CNRB0004111 671015053 Periya Periya Wayanad Kerala
Ppp 7/671c&D Ground Floor Near Bus Stop,Periya P O Kasargod Dist 671316
CNRB0005011 NA Tharuvana Vellamunda Wayanad Kerala
Mananthavady Road, Vellamunda, Tharuvana Pin - 670645
CNRB0005970 673015203 Muttil Kalpetta Wayanad Kerala
Canara Bank No 726 6 Grnd Floor Nr Panchayat Of Muttil Post Waynad District Muttil Kerala 673102
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