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You are here: Home » Canara Bank » West Bengal » Cooch Behar Canara Bank District wise Branch list in Cooch Behar District of West Bengal State, As on Mar 6, 2018 there are 15 neft, rtgs, enabled computerized Canara Bank Branches in Cooch Behar District
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  IFSC   MICR   Branch City District State
CNRB0003719 736015002 Cooch Behar Cooch Behar Cooch Behar West Bengal
First Floor Raj Rajendra Narayan Road,Mustafipara ,Back Side Of Raymonds Showroom ,Cooch Bihar West Bengal 736101
CNRB0004096 NA Dinhata Dinhata Cooch Behar West Bengal
Dinhata Main Road,Opp Hdfc Bank Po Dinhata Cooch Behar 736135
CNRB0004097 NA Mathabhanga Mathabhanga Cooch Behar West Bengal
Hospital Road, Paschimpara Po Mathabhanga Dist. Coochbehar 736146
CNRB0004098 736015502 Tufanganj Tufanganj Cooch Behar West Bengal
Ward No -2, Main Road, New Town, Holding No-596, Po. Tufanganj, Dist. Cooch Behar, 736160
CNRB0004099 NA Mekliganj Mekliganj Cooch Behar West Bengal
Canara Bank Ward No 7, Pwd Road,Ps And Subdiv- Mekliganj,Dist-Cooch Bihar Mekliganj West Bengal 735304
CNRB0005178 NA Bhanukumari Ii Tufanganj Cooch Behar West Bengal
Canara Bank,Vill Chat Lalkuthi Po Nakar Khana,Block Tufanganj Di Coochbehar,Bhanukumari Ii,West Bengal Pin 736131
CNRB0005179 NA Putimari Fuleshwari Cooch Behar Cooch Behar West Bengal
Canara Bank,Vil And Po Putimari Fuleshwari,Bl Coochbehar Sadar Di Coochbehar,Putimari Fuleshwari,West Bengal Pin 736157
CNRB0005180 NA Moamari Cooch Behar Cooch Behar West Bengal
Canara Bank,Vill Moamari Po Domukha Nayarhat,Block Coochbehar I Di Coochbehar,Moamari,West Bengal Pin 736157
CNRB0005181 NA Ambari Cooch Behar Cooch Behar West Bengal
Canara Bank,Vil And Po Bokalirmath,Block Sadar Di Coochbehar Ii ,Ambari,West Bengal Pin 736133
CNRB0005182 NA Chilakhana Ii Tufanganj Cooch Behar West Bengal
Canara Bank,Vill And Po Ghongrakothi,Block Tufanganj I Sub Div Tufanganj,Chilakhana Ii,West Bengal Pin 736159
CNRB0005718 736015508 Hemkumari Haldibari Cooch Behar West Bengal
Gp Office Hemkumari Po Hemkumari Dist Coochbehar 735122
CNRB0005762 736015802 Dewanbas Dinhata Cooch Behar West Bengal
Gp Office Vill Dewanbas Po Gitaldah Block Dinhata I Dist Coochbehar 736175
CNRB0005763 736015801 Bara Saulmari Barosoulmari Cooch Behar West Bengal
Gp Office Vill Barasoulmari Po Subachamirpata Dist Coochbehar 736135
CNRB0005805 736015509 Uttar Boxiganj Haldibari Cooch Behar West Bengal
Gp Office Vill Po Boxirganj Via Haldibari Dist Coochbehar 735122
CNRB0006730 NA Baisguri Natabari Cooch Behar West Bengal
Canara Bank Baisguri Branch, Ground Floor, At Po Vill Chakchaka, Pskotwali Coochbihar West Bengal 736156
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