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You are here: Home » Canara Bank » West Bengal » Maldah Canara Bank District wise Branch list in Maldah District of West Bengal State, As on Mar 6, 2018 there are 9 neft, rtgs, enabled computerized Canara Bank Branches in Maldah District
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  IFSC   MICR   Branch City District State
CNRB0004408 NA Chanchal Chanchal Maldah West Bengal
Vill+Po-Chanchal(Chanchal College Road) Dist-Malda-732123 Near Sbi
CNRB0005176 NA Chandmoni I Ratua Maldah West Bengal
Canara Bank,Vi And Po Batna Revenue Vi Santapur,Di Malda,Chandamoni I,West Bengal Pin 732139
CNRB0005722 732015503 Habibpur Habibpur Maldah West Bengal
Habibpur Gp Office Po Habibpur Dist Malda 723122
CNRB0005765 732015509 Hatinda Chanchal Maldah West Bengal
Alihanda Gp Office Po Hatinda Via Chanchal Malda 732123
CNRB0005766 732015506 Chaspara Kaliachak Maldah West Bengal
Gayeshbari Gp Office Chaspara Via Kalichak Dist Malda 732206
CNRB0005767 732015504 Srirampur Habibpur Maldah West Bengal
Sreerampur Gp Office Po Gandhinagar Habibpur Dist Malda 732201
CNRB0005768 732015505 Bamongram Kaliachak Maldah West Bengal
Gp Office Bamongram Po Bamangram Dist Malda 732206
CNRB0005807 732015508 Popra Maldah Maldah West Bengal
Gp Office Vill Po Popra Ps Malda Dist Malda 732141
CNRB0005814 732015507 Ghansahar Gajol Maldah West Bengal
Majhra Gp Office Ghansahar Po Bagsaraiv Via Gajal Dist Malda Pin 73124
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