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You are here: Home » Canara Bank » West Bengal » Nadia Canara Bank District wise Branch list in Nadia District of West Bengal State, As on Mar 6, 2018 there are 10 neft, rtgs, enabled computerized Canara Bank Branches in Nadia District
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  IFSC   MICR   Branch City District State
CNRB0001727 741015501 Bathangachi Bathangachi Nadia West Bengal
Vill.Bathangachi , P.O. Dignagar , Bathangachi, Dist Nadia (West Bengal) - 741401 ,
CNRB0001752 741015999 Kechuadanga Kechudanga Nadia West Bengal
Vill & P.O. Kechuadanga, , P S Kareempur P.O. , Bam , Dist Nadia (West Bengal) -741172
CNRB0002691 721015002 Kalyani Kalyani Nadia West Bengal
B-7/33 (S) & 34 (S), Central Park (W) Nadia 741235
CNRB0003293 741015202 Ranaghat Ranaghat Nadia West Bengal
Canara Bank, Rathtla, Dechowdhury Super Market, I Floor, Ranaghat, Dist: Noida- 741201 (Kerala)
CNRB0003324 741015102 Krishna Nagar Krishnanagar Nadia West Bengal
Charu Villa, 127, D L Roy Road, Bowbazar, Krishnanagar, Dist Nadia - 741109
CNRB0003617 741015601 Boalia Balia Nadia West Bengal
Canara Bank, Boalia Villege And Post - Block And Ps - Santipur - Dist - Nadia - Pin - 741121 - West Bengal
CNRB0004094 NA Tehatta Tehatta Nadia West Bengal
Canara Bank Tehatta Thana Road,Opp Ubi Branch Vill/Po/Ps-Tehatta,Dist-Nadia Tehatta West Bengal 741160
CNRB0005177 NA Kanchrapara Chakdah Nadia West Bengal
Canara Bank,Vill Ghospara Po Kalyani,Di Nadia,Kanchrapara,West Bengal Pin 741235
CNRB0005557 741015505 Chakdignagar Krishnanagar Nadia West Bengal
Vill And Po: Kalirhat, 741102
CNRB0005697 NA Pipulberia Murutia Nadia West Bengal
Canara Bank Gp Office Pipulberia Blk Karimpuri Ps Murutia Dist Nadia Pipulberia West Bengal 741152
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