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You are here: Home » IDBI Bank Ltd » Kerala » Pathanamthitta IDBI Bank Ltd District wise Branch list in Pathanamthitta District of Kerala State, As on Mar 6, 2018 there are 23 neft, rtgs, enabled computerized IDBI Bank Ltd Branches in Pathanamthitta District
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  IFSC   MICR   Branch City District State
IBKL0000029 NA Tiruvalla Tiruvalla Pathanamthitta Kerala
Warbha Centreramanchira , M.C.Road
IBKL0000339 689259102 Pathanamthitta Pathanamthitta Pathanamthitta Kerala
Mts Commercial Complex, College Road,Pathanamthitta , Kerala -689645
IBKL046KS17 689177102 The Kerala State Co-Operative Bank Ltd Pathanamthitta Pathanamthitta Kerala
No 12/963-2, Vilavinal Taj Tower, College Road, Pathanamthitta 689645
IBKL0339PDC 689806102 The Pathanamthitta District Co-Operative Bank Ltd Pathanamthitta Pathanamthitta Kerala
Head Office Building , Pathanamthitta P O, P.B.No. 45 , Pathanamthitta , Kerala Pin : 689645
IBKL0029T01 689836002 The Tiruvalla East Cooperative Bank Keezhvaipur Branch Thiruvalla Pathanamthitta Kerala
Keezhvaipur Branch, Keezhvaipur P O 689587
IBKL0029T02 689836202 The Tiruvalla East Cooperative Bank Kumbanad Branch Thiruvalla Pathanamthitta Kerala
Kumbanadu Branch, Kumbanadu P O 689547
IBKL0029T03 689836203 The Tiruvalla East Cooperative Bank Eraviperoor Branch Thiruvalla Pathanamthitta Kerala
Eraviperoor Branch, Eraviperoor P O 689542
IBKL0029T04 689836204 The Tiruvalla East Cooperative Bank Koipuram Branch Thiruvalla Pathanamthitta Kerala
Koipuram Branch, Pulladu P O 689548
IBKL0029T05 689836205 The Tiruvalla East Cooperative Bank Kuriannoor Branch Thiruvalla Pathanamthitta Kerala
Kuriannoor Branch, Kuriannoor P O 689550
IBKL0029T06 689836206 The Tiruvalla East Cooperative Bank Vennikulam Branch Thiruvalla Pathanamthitta Kerala
Vennikulam Branch, Vennikulam P O 689544
IBKL0029T08 689836402 The Tiruvalla East Cooperative Bank Mallappally Branch Thiruvalla Pathanamthitta Kerala
Mallappally Branch, Mallappally P O 689585
IBKL0029T15 689836409 The Tiruvalla East Cooperative Bank Ezhumattoor Branch Thiruvalla Pathanamthitta Kerala
Ezhumattoor Branch, Ezhumattoor P O 689586
IBKL0029T14 689836408 The Tiruvalla East Cooperative Bank Ayroor Branch Thiruvalla Pathanamthitta Kerala
Ayroor Branch, Velliyara P O 689612
IBKL0029T13 689836407 The Tiruvalla East Cooperative Bank Kallooppara Branch Thiruvalla Pathanamthitta Kerala
Kallooppara Branch, Thuruthicadu P O 689597
IBKL0029T12 689836406 The Tiruvalla East Cooperative Bank Punnaveli Branch Thiruvalla Pathanamthitta Kerala
Punnaveli Branch, Punnaveli P O 689589
IBKL0029T11 689836405 The Tiruvalla East Cooperative Bank Vaipur Branch Thiruvalla Pathanamthitta Kerala
Vaipur Branch, Vaipur P O 689588
IBKL0029T10 689836404 The Tiruvalla East Cooperative Bank Thadiyoor Branch Thiruvalla Pathanamthitta Kerala
Thadiyoor Branch, Thadiyoor P O 689545
IBKL0029T09 689836403 The Tiruvalla East Cooperative Bank Perumpetty Branch Thiruvalla Pathanamthitta Kerala
Perumpetty Branch, Perumpetty P o689592
IBKL0029T07 689836207 The Tiruvalla East Cooperative Bank Othera Branch Thiruvalla Pathanamthitta Kerala
Othera Branch, Othera P O 689546
IBKL0001507 691259052 Adoor Adoor Pathanamthitta Kerala
H Lg C Cl Jc 953
IBKL0029T16 689836252 The Tiruvalla East Cooperative Bank Chungappara Thiruvalla Pathanamthitta Kerala
IBKL0029T17 689836003 The Tiruvalla East Cooperative Bank Kuttoor Thiruvalla Pathanamthitta Kerala
Mc Road,Vanchimoodu Junction,Kuttoor Po 689106
IBKL0029T18 689836410 The Tiruvalla East Cooperative Bank Valakuzhy Thiruvalla Pathanamthitta Kerala
Valakuzhy Junction,Valakuzhy P O 689544
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