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You are here: Home » State Bank of India (SBI) » Assam » Goalpara State Bank of India (SBI) District wise Branch list in Goalpara District of Assam State, As on Mar 6, 2018 there are 14 neft, rtgs, enabled computerized State Bank of India (SBI) Branches in Goalpara District
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  IFSC   MICR   Branch City District State
SBIN0000082 783002202 Goalpara Goalpara Goalpara Assam
Dist Goalpara Assam 783101
SBIN0002024 783002509 Bilasipara Bilasipara Goalpara Assam
SBIN0005592 799002509 Kailashahar Kailashahar Goalpara Assam
North Tripura, Tripura 799277
SBIN0007351 783002514 Kachakhana Kachakhana Goalpara Assam
Dist Goalpara,Assam 783334
SBIN0007373 783002506 Bagribari Bagribari Goalpara Assam
SBIN0007387 783002521 Salkocha Kulajan Goalpara Assam
Dist Goalpara,Assam 783348
SBIN0007416 783002507 Bashbari Bashbari Goalpara Assam
Dist Goalpara,Assam 783337
SBIN0008267 783002513 Hatsingimari Hatsingimari Goalpara Assam
SBIN0009148 783002516 Mornai Mornai Goalpara Assam
SBIN0011618 783002203 Goalpara Bazar Goalpara Goalpara Assam
SBIN0012260 NA Dudhnoi Guwahati Goalpara Assam
Goalpara District, Assam - 783124
SBIN0014022 NA Rcpc Goalpara Goalpara Goalpara Assam
Amla Tower, New Market, Panchratan Road, Goalpara - 783101
SBIN0014256 NA Lakhipur Lakhipur Goalpara Assam
Vill- Bamunpara, Ward No 2,P.O. Lakhipur,Dist: Goalpara. Assam: 783129
SBIN0016935 NA Krishnai Krishnai Goalpara Assam
Hoque Complex, Krishnai Bazar, Krishnai, Distt.Goalpara. Assam-783126
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