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You are here: Home » State Bank of India (SBI) » Assam » Nalbari State Bank of India (SBI) District wise Branch list in Nalbari District of Assam State, As on Mar 6, 2018 there are 13 neft, rtgs, enabled computerized State Bank of India (SBI) Branches in Nalbari District
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  IFSC   MICR   Branch City District State
SBIN0001103 781002202 Nalbari Nalbari Nalbari Assam
Hajo Rd, P.O. Nalbari, Assam, pin781335
SBIN0005092 781002520 Kamarkuchi Kamarkuchi Nalbari Assam
Dist Nalbari,Assam 781347
SBIN0005243 781002521 Mushalpur Mushalpur Nalbari Assam
Kadamtal Road, Mushalpur, Distt. Baksa, Btad, Assam
SBIN0007006 781002514 Kalag Kalag Nalbari Assam
Dist Nalbari,Assam 781351
SBIN0009146 781002516 Makhibaha Makhibaha Nalbari Assam
Dist Nalbari,Assam 781374
SBIN0009147 781002512 Daranga Mela Daranga Mela Nalbari Assam
Via Kumarikata,Distt Nalbari,Assam 781280
SBIN0009577 781002517 Pipalibari Pipalibari Nalbari Assam
Viasolmara,Distt Nalbari,Assam 781338
SBIN0011527 781002203 Nalbari Bazar Nalbari Nalbari Assam
SBIN0011609 781002523 Tihu Tihu Nalbari Assam
Po Tihu,District Nalbari,Assam 781371
SBIN0011610 781002528 Mukalmua Mukalmua Nalbari Assam
Mukalmua Jagara Road,Po Mukalmua, Nalbari District,Assam 781126
SBIN0014788 NA Chamata Chamata Nalbari Assam
Po: Chamata Dist.:Nalbari,Assam: 781306
SBIN0017203 NA Simla Bazar Nalbari Nalbari Assam
Hazuwa, Simla Bazar(Baksa), Distt.Nalbari. Assam-781330
SBIN0018509 NA Daulasal Nalbari Nalbari Assam
Vill And Po Daulasal, Distt.Nalbari. Assam-781312
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