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You are here: Home » State Bank of India (SBI) » Bihar » Bhojpur State Bank of India (SBI) District wise Branch list in Bhojpur District of Bihar State, As on Mar 6, 2018 there are 19 neft, rtgs, enabled computerized State Bank of India (SBI) Branches in Bhojpur District
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  IFSC   MICR   Branch City District State
SBIN0000010 802002102 Aarah Bhojpur Bhojpur Bihar
Navada, Arrah, Bihar
SBIN0001213 802002104 Station Road Ara Ara Bhojpur Bihar
Dist Bhojpur Bihar 802301
SBIN0003643 802002601 Behea Behea Bhojpur Bihar
SBIN0003983 821002707 Saraiya Bhojpur Bhojpur Bihar
Dist Bhojpur, Bihar 802301
SBIN0006019 802002603 Hasan Bazar Hasan Bazar Bhojpur Bihar
SBIN0006286 802002604 Belwania Belwania Bhojpur Bihar
Dist Bhojpur,Bihar 802151
SBIN0006668 802002605 Makhdumpur Phuha Babura Bhojpur Bihar
Dist Bhojpur,Bihar 802311
SBIN0010405 800002063 Bihar Vidhan Mandal Patna Bhojpur Bihar
Bihar Vidhan Mandal, Patna Pin 800015
SBIN0010769 845002615 Jagdishpur Jagdishpur Bhojpur Bihar
Dist Bhojpur,Bihar 802158
SBIN0010770 802002607 Piro Piro Bhojpur Bihar
Dist Bhojpur,Bihar 802207
SBIN0012609 NA Shahpur Shahpur Bhojpur Bihar
At & P.O-Shahpur,Arrah Buxar Road,Distt- Bhojpur-802165
SBIN0012612 802002609 Gidha Gidha Bhojpur Bihar
Ara-Patna Road,At+ P.O. Gidha,Ara,Bhojpur, Dist:Bhojpur-802314
SBIN0012614 NA Sandesh Sandesh Bhojpur Bihar
At+Po- Sandesh,Dist:Bhojpur-802164
SBIN0015178 NA Fic Garhani Garhani Bhojpur Bihar
State Bank Of India At & P.O-Garhani Distt-Bhojpur, Bihar-802203
SBIN0015725 NA Sahejani Sahejani Bhojpur Bihar
Vill-Sahejani, P.O.-Hasanbazar,Dist- Bhojpur Pin-802204
SBIN0015999 NA Devi Sthan Mirganj-Ara Ara Bhojpur Bihar
Narayan Ashray, Opp-Aryasamaj Mandir, Mp Baugh, Ara,Distt. Bhojpur.Bihar- 802301
SBIN0016756 NA Spb Branch Arrah Arrah Bhojpur Bihar
At-Tilak Nagar, Katira, Po-Arrah, Ps-Arraha, Distt.Bhojpur. Bihar-802301
SBIN0017169 NA Chandi Chandi Bhojpur Bihar
H/O Shri Dadan Prasad Singh,At Chandi,Ps:Chandi,P.O.-Narehi Chandi Distt.Bhojpur.Bihar-802161
SBIN0012613 NA Koilwar Bhojpur Bhojpur Bihar
Koilwar, Ps- Koilwar, Dist - Bhojpur, Bihar-802160
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