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You are here: Home » State Bank of India (SBI) » Haryana » Kaithal State Bank of India (SBI) District wise Branch list in Kaithal District of Haryana State, As on Mar 6, 2018 there are 25 neft, rtgs, enabled computerized State Bank of India (SBI) Branches in Kaithal District
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  IFSC   MICR   Branch City District State
SBIN0000663 136002051 Kaithal Kaithal Kaithal Haryana
Opp Bus Stand Distt Kaithal Haryana 136027
SBIN0002446 136002081 Pai Kaithal Kaithal Haryana
Dist Kaithal Haryana 132043
SBIN0003125 132002041 Keorak Keorak Kaithal Haryana
Dist Kaithal, Haryana 132032
SBIN0003191 136002052 Talai Bazar Kaithal Kaithal Kaithal Haryana
Talai Bazar, Kaithal, Old Sabzi Mandi, Dt Kaithal, Haryana State, Pin 136 027
SBIN0004480 136002053 Mini Sectt Kaithal Kaithal Kaithal Haryana
Dist Kaithal, Haryana 136027
SBIN0006158 132002221 Pundri Pundri Kaithal Haryana
Dt. Kaithal, Haryana 136026
SBIN0007135 136002061 Kithana Kithana Kaithal Haryana
SBIN0007579 132002031 Habri Habri Kaithal Haryana
SBIN0011847 136002011 Cheeka Kaithal Kaithal Haryana
Cheeka,Plot No. 26 Residential Area 1,Cheeka,Cheeka,Dist Kaithal 136034
SBIN0013878 NA Rcpc Kaithal Kaithal Kaithal Haryana
Jind Road Ist Floor Sbi Main Branch, Dist:Kaithal, Haryana-136027
SBIN0016497 NA Dhand Dhand Kaithal Haryana
Old Kurukshetra Road, Dhand, Distt. Kaithal. Haryana-136020
SBIN0016672 NA Pehowa Chowk Kaithal Kaithal Kaithal Haryana
Ambala-Hisar Road, Pehowa Chowk, Kaithal, Distt.Kaithal. Haryana-136027
SBIN0017699 NA New Anaj Madi Kaithal Kaithal Kaithal Haryana
New Anaj Mandi Kaithal Nera Hissar Petrol Pump Kaithal Disttkaithal haryana136027
SBIN0017406 NA Kalayat Kaithal Kaithal Haryana
Sanjivsanyalbuilding Ward no11 Rajinder Nagar Near Girls School Kalayat Kaithal Haryana 136027
SBIN0051259 136007353 Kharkan Kaithal Kaithal Haryana
Opp. Gram Panchayat Bhawan Near Bus Stand Vpo Kharkan Distt Kaithal Pin 136035
SBIN0032384 136003152 Kaithal Kaithal Kaithal Haryana
1057/11, Marwah Complex Kurukshetra Road Opp. Adaiut Swaroop Ashram Near Central Bank Of India Kaithal - 136027
SBIN0050096 136007153 Guhla Cheeka Guhlachika Mandi Kaithal Haryana
Po Cheekak Haryana-132034
SBIN0051224 136007358 Geong Kaithal Kaithal Haryana
V & Po Geong, Tehsil & District Kaithal, Haryana-136027
SBIN0050532 136007158 Mataur Mataur Kaithal Haryana
Teh Kaithal Haryana
SBIN0050492 136007157 Kurar Kurar Kaithal Haryana
Teh Kaithal Haryana
SBIN0050490 136007156 Ramthali Ram Thali Kaithal Haryana
Po Kaarka Teh Kurukshetra Haryana
SBIN0050372 136007302 Dhand Mandi Pundri Kaithal Haryana
Teh Pundri Dist Kaithal Haryana-132020
SBIN0050371 136007152 Kaithal N.G.M. Kaithal Kaithal Haryana
New Grain Market Haryana-132027
SBIN0050236 136007154 Kaithal A.D.B. Kaithal Kaithal Haryana
SBIN0050111 136007155 Kalayat Kalayat Kaithal Haryana
Grain Market Haryana
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