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You are here: Home » State Bank of India (SBI) » Himachal Pradesh » Kullu State Bank of India (SBI) District wise Branch list in Kullu District of Himachal Pradesh State, As on Mar 6, 2018 there are 22 neft, rtgs, enabled computerized State Bank of India (SBI) Branches in Kullu District
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  IFSC   MICR   Branch City District State
SBIN0000672 175002002 Kullu Kullu Kullu Himachal Pradesh
Dhalpur, Kullu, H.P. 175101
SBIN0002416 175002001 Manali Kullu Kullu Himachal Pradesh
Downtown, D-Complex, The Mall, Manali-175131, H.P.
SBIN0003250 175002031 Katrain Kullu Kullu Himachal Pradesh
Dist Kulu, Himachal Pradesh 175129
SBIN0003633 175002125 Bhunter Kullu Kullu Himachal Pradesh
Dist Kulu, Himachal Pradesh 175125
SBIN0006989 175002061 Sainj Sainj Kullu Himachal Pradesh
Dist Kulu, H P 175134
SBIN0008873 761002034 Mahendragarh Mahendragarh Kullu Himachal Pradesh
Dist Ganjam,Orissa 761017
SBIN0009300 172002041 Kungash Kullu Kullu Himachal Pradesh
Dist Kulu, Himachal Pradesh 172026
SBIN0011852 175002081 Kullu Akhara Bazar Kullu Kullu Himachal Pradesh
Akhara Bazarkulu,Pokulu Dist Kulu,Himachal pradesh175101
SBIN0011882 175002083 Haripur Kullu Kullu Himachal Pradesh
Near Telephone Exchange,Po Haripur ,Distt. Kullu (H.P),Pin-175136
SBIN0011954 NA Banjar Banjar Kullu Himachal Pradesh
Po Banjar,Distt. Kullu (H.P)-175123
SBIN0015280 NA Ani Kullu Ani Kullu Himachal Pradesh
Post Office Ani, District Kullu, Himachal Pradesh: 172026
SBIN0017803 NA Mohal Bhuntar Kullu Himachal Pradesh
Vill & Po Mohal, Tehsil-Bhuntar, Distt.Kullu. Himachal Pradesh-175126
SBIN0050305 175007006 Patli Kuhi Patli Kuhl Kullu Himachal Pradesh
Po Katrain Hp-175129
SBIN0051540 175007009 Banogi Bashing Kulu Kullu Himachal Pradesh
State Bank Of Patiala, Village Banogi Bashing, Post Office Babeli, Tehsil And District Kulu, Himachal Pradesh
SBIN0051447 175007008 Bajaura Kullu Kullu Himachal Pradesh
Vpo Bajaura Teh Bhuntar Distt Kullu Pin 175125
SBIN0051290 175007290 Naggar Naggar Kullu Himachal Pradesh
Vpo Naggar, Tehsil And Dist Kullu, Himachal Pradesh, 175130
SBIN0051147 175007052 Manali Manali Kullu Himachal Pradesh
1st Floor,Govinda Shoping Complex,Old Mission Road,The Mall,Manali,Distt Kullu,Pin 175131
SBIN0051077 175007004 Shamshi Shamshi Kullu Himachal Pradesh
National Highway 21,Chandigarh Manali Road,Vpo Shamshi,Tehsil Kullu, Dist Kullu,Himachal Pradesh,Pin 175126
SBIN0050561 175007003 Jibhi Jibhi Kullu Himachal Pradesh
Vpo Jibhi Teh Banjar Hp-
SBIN0050553 175007007 Gushani Gushaini Kullu Himachal Pradesh
Vpo Gushaini Hp-175123
SBIN0050231 175007002 Kullu Kulu Kullu Himachal Pradesh
Akhara Bazar Hp-175101
SBIN0018970 NA Nermand Nermand Kullu Himachal Pradesh
Village And Post-Nermand, Dist.Kullu, Himachal Pradesh-172023
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