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You are here: Home » State Bank of India (SBI) » Jharkhand » Deoghar State Bank of India (SBI) District wise Branch list in Deoghar District of Jharkhand State, As on Mar 6, 2018 there are 37 neft, rtgs, enabled computerized State Bank of India (SBI) Branches in Deoghar District
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  IFSC   MICR   Branch City District State
SBIN0000064 814002611 Deoghar Deoghar Deoghar Jharkhand
Sadhna Bhawan, Court Rd, Deoghar, Jharkhand 814112
SBIN0003033 814002601 Madhupur Deoghar Deoghar Jharkhand
Dist Deoghar Jharkhand 815353
SBIN0003157 814002602 Palojori Palojori Deoghar Jharkhand
Dist Deoghar,Jharkhand 814146
SBIN0003415 814002105 Deoghar Bazar Deoghar Deoghar Jharkhand
P O Baidyanath Dham Distt Deoghar Jharkhand 814113
SBIN0003579 814002603 Sarwan Sarwan Deoghar Jharkhand
SBIN0004769 814002604 Rohini Rohini Deoghar Jharkhand
Porohini,Dt Deoghar,Jharkhand 814152
SBIN0004906 814002605 Karon Karon Deoghar Jharkhand
Dist Deoghar,Jharkhand 815357
SBIN0005535 814002606 Chitra Chitra Deoghar Jharkhand
SBIN0006453 814002104 Amy Baijnathpur Deoghar Deoghar Jharkhand
Dist Deoghar, Jharkhand 814112
SBIN0006653 814002103 Jasidih Bazar Jasidih Deoghar Jharkhand
SBIN0009777 814002614 Udhodih Karanjo Deoghar Jharkhand
SBIN0009778 815002119 Jamua Barwah Deoghar Jharkhand
SBIN0009779 814002616 Tarazori Bara Chapra Deoghar Jharkhand
SBIN0009769 814002607 Maheshmara Malhara Deoghar Jharkhand
SBIN0009776 814002613 Lerwa Pathrol Deoghar Jharkhand
SBIN0009775 814002612 Majidih Sirsa Deoghar Jharkhand
SBIN0009774 815002109 Dighi Dighi Deoghar Jharkhand
Podighi Deoghar,Dt Deoghar,Jharkhand
SBIN0009773 814002610 Baliapur Kunjora Deoghar Jharkhand
Pokunjora,Viapalojori,Dt Deoghar,Jharkhand,814146
SBIN0009772 814002609 Kurua Chowdhari Nawadih Deoghar Jharkhand
SBIN0009770 814002608 Sirsa Sirsa Deoghar Jharkhand
SBIN0012534 814002619 Sarath Sarath Deoghar Jharkhand
Mani Market Complex,Sarath,Sarath,Dist Deoghar,Distdeoghar 814149
SBIN0012547 814002618 Pipra Karon Deoghar Jharkhand
Pipra,Pipra,Karon,Deoghar,Distdeoghar 815353
SBIN0012549 814002617 Madhupur Bazar Madhupur Deoghar Jharkhand
Madhupur Bazar,Madhupur,deoghar815353
SBIN0012551 815002167 Sonaraythari Sonaraythari Deoghar Jharkhand
Sonaraythari,Distdeoghar 814150
SBIN0013742 NA Rbo Deoghar Deoghar Deoghar Jharkhand
Sblc Campus Barmasia,Circular Road,Deoghar,Jharkhand, Dist:Deoghar-814112
SBIN0014420 NA Cac-Deoghar Deoghar Deoghar Jharkhand
Sadhna Bhawan, Sbi Main Branch Building, Deoghar, Jharkhand - 814112
SBIN0015015 NA Financial Inclusion Centre-Sarwan Sarwan Deoghar Jharkhand
C/O Sbi Sarwan , Po-Sarwan , Distt-Deoghar, Jharkhand-814150
SBIN0014674 NA Pbb Deoghar Deoghar (Su) Deoghar Jharkhand
House Of Shri Bam Shankar Thakur, Castairs Town, Bajla Chowk, Deoghar-814112
SBIN0015869 NA Administrative Office Deoghar Deoghar Deoghar Jharkhand
Bajla Chowk, Deoghar, Distt. Deoghar,Jharkhand - 814112
SBIN0016663 NA Tiwari Chowk Deoghar Deoghar Jharkhand
Tiwary Chowk, Deoghar College Road, William Town, Deoghar, Distt.Deoghar. Jharkhand-814112
SBIN0017141 NA Devipur Deoghar Deoghar Jharkhand
At. Devipur Block Campus, P.O Devipur, Distt. Deoghar. Jharkhand-815353
SBIN0017150 NA Kunda-Deoghar Deoghar Deoghar Jharkhand
House Of Manoj Kumar Ray, Deoghar Sarwan Road, Kunda, Deoghar, Distt.Deoghar. Jharkhand-814117
SBIN0017428 NA Lakshmipur Deoghar Deoghar Jharkhand
Rani Ma Complex,Bilashi Town,Deoghar,Distt.Deoghar.Jharkhand 814117
SBIN0017149 NA Pbb Madhupur Madhupur Deoghar Jharkhand
In House Of Sri Rajiv Ranjan, Kundubanglow, Madhupur, Dist-Deoghar, Jharkhand - 815353
SBIN0018424 NA Mohanpur Dist.Deoghar Deoghar Deoghar Jharkhand
Mohanpur, Chakarama, Dist.Deoghar, Jharkhand- 814157
SBIN0018425 NA Bompas Town Deoghar Deoghar Jharkhand
In House Of Shri Ashok Kumar Singh, Opp Vijaya Bank, P.O. And P.S.Deoghar, Distt.Deoghar. Jharkhand-814112
SBIN0008888 NA Sblc-Deoghar Deoghar Deoghar Jharkhand
State Bank Learning Centre, Circular Road, Barmasia, Deoghar, Distt.Deoghar. Jharkhand - 814112
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