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You are here: Home » State Bank of India (SBI) » Jharkhand » West Singhbhum State Bank of India (SBI) District wise Branch list in West Singhbhum District of Jharkhand State, As on Mar 6, 2018 there are 15 neft, rtgs, enabled computerized State Bank of India (SBI) Branches in West Singhbhum District
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  IFSC   MICR   Branch City District State
SBIN0000052 833002002 Chaibasa West Singhbhum West Singhbhum Jharkhand
Sadar Bazar, Main Rd, Chaibasa, West Singbhum, Jharkhand - 833201
SBIN0001214 833002801 Barajamda Barajamda West Singhbhum Jharkhand
SBIN0001598 833002802 Kiriburu Kiriburu West Singhbhum Jharkhand
SBIN0002924 833002025 Chakradharpur West Singhbhum West Singhbhum Jharkhand
Dist West Singhbhum Jharkhand 833102
SBIN0003583 833002803 Tonto Jhinkpani West Singhbhum Jharkhand
P O Jhinkpani
SBIN0005420 833002804 Chiria Chiria West Singhbhum Jharkhand
SBIN0005992 833002805 Jaraikela Jaraikela West Singhbhum Jharkhand
SBIN0006209 833002806 Jagannathpur West Singhbhum West Singhbhum Jharkhand
SBIN0010333 834002024 Drm Hatia Ranchi West Singhbhum Jharkhand
Drm Office, Hatia, T Ranchi, Jharkhand 834003
SBIN0012635 833002809 Noamundi Noamundi West Singhbhum Jharkhand
Central Camp,Modi Gate,Tisco Mines Dovn,Noamundi,Dist W Singhbhum 833217
SBIN0012636 833002810 Bari Bazar Chaibasa West Singhbhum Jharkhand
Sai Mansion ,Bari Bazar,Chaibasa, Dist:W. Singhbhum-833201
SBIN0014356 NA Hatgamharia Hatgamharia West Singhbhum Jharkhand
At/Po Hatgamaharia,West Singhbhum, Dist:West Singhbhum-833214
SBIN0016004 NA Gua Singhbhum (West) West Singhbhum Jharkhand
Gua Ore Mines, Dist: Singhbhum (West), Jharkhand:833213
SBIN0014358 NA Manoharpur Manoharpur West Singhbhum Jharkhand
Gupta Bhawan, Post Office Road, Manoharpur, Distt: West Singhbhum, Jharkhand : 833104
SBIN0016981 NA Turamdih Jamshedpur West Singhbhum Jharkhand
Shopping Complex,Ucil Colony,Turamdih. At. & P.O. Sundernagara, Dist.- Singhbhum, Jharkhand:832107 Mob-8294630385
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