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You are here: Home » State Bank of India (SBI) » Kerala » Wayanad State Bank of India (SBI) District wise Branch list in Wayanad District of Kerala State, As on Mar 6, 2018 there are 20 neft, rtgs, enabled computerized State Bank of India (SBI) Branches in Wayanad District
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  IFSC   MICR   Branch City District State
SBIN0003035 673002101 Kainatty Adb Kainatty Wayanad Kerala
Dist Wayanad, Kerala 673 122
SBIN0005099 673002103 Sulthan Bathery Sulthan Bathery Wayanad Kerala
SBIN0006456 673002111 Kottathara Kottathara Wayanad Kerala
Kottathara, Wayanad, Kerala
SBIN0008593 688002009 Arthinkal Cherthala Wayanad Kerala
Vi 489 By a4, Sherthalai, Alleppey, Alapuza, Kerala, Pin 688530
SBIN0008787 695002055 Thattathumala Thattathumala Wayanad Kerala
Pb No.2501,M.C.Road,Via Killimanoor,Trivandrum,Thiruvananthpuram
SBIN0011923 673002109 Chundale Wayanad Wayanad Kerala
Chundale,Kallingal Shopping Complex,Pochundale,Wynad,Distwynad
SBIN0011922 673002108 Vaduvanchal Wayanad Wayanad Kerala
Vaduvanchal,Mp 5 By 449l,Megha Residency,Po Vaduvanchal,Wynad,Distwynad
SBIN0015784 NA Kalpatta Kalpatta Wayanad Kerala
Gr. Floor, Leo Hospital Road, Kalpatta, Dist.: Wayanad, Kerala:673121
SBIN0017089 NA Padinjarethara Padinjarethara Wayanad Kerala
Bldg. No. Tp 9/301,Vattakunnel Building,Vythiri Road,Padinjarethara Po,Distt.Wayanad.Kerala-6730575
SBIN0018106 NA Vellamunda Vellamunda Wayanad Kerala
Sayeed Building Mananthavadi Road Vellamunda Po Disttwayanad kerala670 731
SBIN0071249 673009205 Kunnathidavaka Vythiri Wayanad Wayanad Kerala
Rs No 276 4 Ward No 5 Opposite Police Station Vythiri Po Wayanad District Kerala 673121
SBIN0070192 673009202 Kalpetta Kalpetta Wayanad Kerala
P.B.No.14, No.Vi/315/Akp, Kalpetta P.O, Wayanad, Kerala, Pin-673121
SBIN0070965 670009203 Goldpoint-Mananthavady Mananthavady Wayanad Kerala
Mananthavady, Wynad Dist, Kerala
SBIN0070945 673009204 Goldpoint-Kalpetta Kalpetta Wayanad Kerala
P.B.No.14, Kalpetta Po, Wayanad Dist, Kerala-673121
SBIN0070725 673009256 Meenangadi Sulthanbathery Wayanad Kerala
Sarojini Complex, Main Road, Meenangadi P.O,Wynad District,Kerala 673501
SBIN0070616 673009255 Koliyadi Sulthanbathery Wayanad Kerala
No.4/71(A), (Via) Sulthan Bathery, Nenmeni P.O, Wayanad, Kerala, Pin-673592
SBIN0070597 673009253 Chulliyode Sulthanbathery Wayanad Kerala
Door No.N/1/588, Chulliyode P.O, Wayanad, Kerala, Pin-673592
SBIN0070478 673009203 Kottapadi Kottapadi Wayanad Kerala
P.B.No.1, Najma Buildings, Puthoorvayal P.O, Wayanad, Kerala, Pin-673121
SBIN0070321 670009202 Mananthavady Mananthavady Wayanad Kerala
P.B.No. 2, Mysore Road, Mananthavady P.O, Wayanad, Kerala, Pin-670645
SBIN0070193 673009252 Sulthan Bathery Sulthanbathery Wayanad Kerala
P.B.No.1, A.E Building, Mysore Road, Sultan Bathery P.O, Wayanad, Kerala, Pin-673592
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