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You are here: Home » State Bank of India (SBI) » Madhya Pradesh » Umaria State Bank of India (SBI) District wise Branch list in Umaria District of Madhya Pradesh State, As on Mar 6, 2018 there are 11 neft, rtgs, enabled computerized State Bank of India (SBI) Branches in Umaria District
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  IFSC   MICR   Branch City District State
SBIN0000453 461002005 Pipariya Pipariya Umaria Madhya Pradesh
Dist Hoshangabad Madhya Pradesh 461775
SBIN0000481 484002002 Shahdol Shahdol Umaria Madhya Pradesh
SBIN0001349 484002007 Umaria Umaria Umaria Madhya Pradesh
Dist Umaria Madhya Pradesh 484661
SBIN0003958 484002048 Nowrozabad Nowrozabad Umaria Madhya Pradesh
Dist Umaria, Madhya pradesh484 555
SBIN0005495 484002047 Manpur Manpur Umaria Madhya Pradesh
Teh Bandhavgarh Distt Umaria Madhya Pradesh 484665
SBIN0005503 497002151 Kamleshwarpur Shahdol Umaria Madhya Pradesh
SBIN0005512 484002046 Chandia Chandia Umaria Madhya Pradesh
Dist Umaria, Mp 484660
SBIN0007357 484002049 Pali Birsinghpur Umaria Umaria Madhya Pradesh
Dist Umaria, Madhya Pradesh 495449
SBIN0009259 484002050 Shahpur Umaria Umaria Madhya Pradesh
Distt Umaria, Madhya Pradesh 484 551
SBIN0012192 484002042 Market Area Umaria Umaria Umaria Madhya Pradesh
Market Area Ran Vijay Chowk Umariya,Tahsil Bandhavgarh,distumariya484661
SBIN0030451 NA Gandhi Chowk-Umaria Umaria Umaria Madhya Pradesh
Near Gandhi Chowk, Umaria
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