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You are here: Home » State Bank of India (SBI) » Manipur » Imphal West State Bank of India (SBI) District wise Branch list in Imphal West District of Manipur State, As on Mar 6, 2018 there are 11 neft, rtgs, enabled computerized State Bank of India (SBI) Branches in Imphal West District
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  IFSC   MICR   Branch City District State
SBIN0000092 795002002 Imphal Imphal Imphal West Manipur
Thangal Bazar, Imphal West, imphal795001
SBIN0003777 795002510 Sekmai Sekmai Imphal West Manipur
Dist Imphal West,Manipur 795136
SBIN0004562 795002003 Imphal Secretariat Imphal Imphal West Manipur
Imphal - West, Manipur- 795001
SBIN0005320 795002005 M U Campus Imphal Imphal West Manipur
Distt Imphal West, State Manipur, Pin 795 003
SBIN0007440 795002004 Paona Bazar Imphal Imphal West Manipur
SBIN0011794 795002516 Mantripukhri Imphal West Imphal West Manipur
Mantripukhri Po,Igar South Complex,Mantripukhri,Dist Imphal West,Manipur
SBIN0017201 NA Wangoi Imphal Imphal West Manipur
Wangoi Bazar, Imphal West,Dist: Imphal, Manipur:795009
SBIN0017403 NA Singjamei Imphal Imphal West Manipur
Singjamei, Chingamathak, Imphal West, Distt.Imphal. Manipur-795008
SBIN0018546 NA Terra Bazar Imphal Imphal West Manipur
Tera Bazar, Ward No.7, Dist.Imphal, Manipur-795001
SBIN0018390 NA Uripok Imphal Imphal West Manipur
District Sessions Court, Uripok Kangchup Road, Dist.Imphal West, Manipur-795001
SBIN0019133 NA Sbiintouch-Imphal Shillong Imphal West Manipur
Kwakeithel Leimakhujam Leikai, Imphal West, Manipur-795001
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