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You are here: Home » State Bank of India (SBI) » Nagaland » Kohima State Bank of India (SBI) District wise Branch list in Kohima District of Nagaland State, As on Mar 6, 2018 there are 14 neft, rtgs, enabled computerized State Bank of India (SBI) Branches in Kohima District
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  IFSC   MICR   Branch City District State
SBIN0000214 797002102 Kohima Kohima Kohima Nagaland
Kohima, Nagaland, Pin 797001
SBIN0005558 797002530 Zakhama Zakhama Kohima Nagaland
Dist Kohima,Nagaland 797001
SBIN0005845 797002527 Tseminyu Tseminyu Kohima Nagaland
Dist Kohima,Nagaland 797109
SBIN0006485 797002104 Kohima Bazar Kohima Kohima Nagaland
Kohima, Nagaland, Pin - 797001
SBIN0007310 797002508 Chedema Chedema Kohima Nagaland
Dist Kohima, Nagaland 797001
SBIN0007761 797002006 Rangapahar Army Cantonment Dimapur Kohima Nagaland
Dist Kohima, Nagaland 797112
SBIN0008306 797002103 Lerie Kohima Kohima Nagaland
SBIN0010671 797002532 Nagaland Secretariat-Kohima Kohima Kohima Nagaland
Nagaland Sectt Complex,Kohima,Nagaland
SBIN0014265 NA Sc College-Jotsoma Jotsoma Kohima Nagaland
Nagi Clan Building, Jotsoma, Near Kohima Science College, Nagaland, Dist:Kohima-797002
SBIN0015556 NA Kohima Nst Branch Kohima Kohima Nagaland
Belhos Building, Near North Police Station , Church Road , Dist:Kohima, Nagaland-797001
SBIN0016933 NA Capital Complex Kohima Kohima Kohima Nagaland
Nagaland Civil Scretariat, New Capital Complex, Dist: Kohima, Nagaland-797004
SBIN0015548 NA Kohima Personal Banking Branch Kohima Kohima Nagaland
North City Center, Secretariat Road, Kohima, Distt.Kohima. Nagaland-797001
SBIN0RRNLGB NA Nagaland Rural Bank Rrb Kohima Kohima Nagaland
Opp. War Cemetery,Kohima Town, P.O. Kohima. Pin 797 001
SBIN0018391 NA Sechu-Zubza Kohima Kohima Nagaland
Sechu Zubza , Girls High School Road, Dist-Kohima Nagaland-797126
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