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You are here: Home » State Bank of India (SBI) » Odisha » Koraput State Bank of India (SBI) District wise Branch list in Koraput District of Odisha State, As on Mar 6, 2018 there are 24 neft, rtgs, enabled computerized State Bank of India (SBI) Branches in Koraput District
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  IFSC   MICR   Branch City District State
SBIN0000101 764002001 Jeypore Jeypore Koraput Odisha
Suryamahal, Jeypore
SBIN0000121 764002004 Koraput Koraput Koraput Odisha
Distt. Koraput,Orissa 764020
SBIN0001304 763002001 Sunabeda Koraput Koraput Odisha
SBIN0002030 764002056 Borigumma Borigumma Koraput Odisha
Dist Koraput, Orissa 764056
SBIN0002075 765002010 Kashipur Kashipur Koraput Odisha
Dist Rayagada,Orissa 765015
SBIN0002079 764002058 Kotpad Kotpad Koraput Odisha
SBIN0002083 764002040 Machhkund Machhkund Koraput Odisha
SBIN0003382 765002014 Narayanpatna Koraput Koraput Odisha
Dist Koraput,Orissa 765014
SBIN0006684 764002005 Kolab Nagar Kolab Nagar Koraput Odisha
Via Jeypore,
SBIN0006909 764002002 Jeypore Bazar Jeypore Koraput Odisha
Koraput, Orissa, Pin 764001
SBIN0006910 764002085 Uppar Indravati Dam Project-Khatiguda Khatiguda Koraput Odisha
Dist Koraput, Orissa 764085
SBIN0006908 763002002 Damanjodi Damanjodi Koraput Odisha
Dist Koraput Orissa 763008
SBIN0009347 764002027 Kumbharipur Kumbharipur Koraput Odisha
State Bank Of India
SBIN0009663 764002038 Balda Koraput Koraput Odisha
SBIN0009952 764002039 Pottangi Pottangi Koraput Odisha
SBIN0009960 NA Regional Business Office Jeypore Jeypore Koraput Odisha
Regional Business Office, Nkt Road ,Opp. Jain Mandir, Jeypore, Dist:K O R A P U T-
SBIN0010938 763002003 Semiliguda Koraput Koraput Odisha
Koraput, Orissa 764036
SBIN0012095 764002104 Gandhi Chowk Jeypore Koraput Odisha
Gandhi Chowk,Bell Road,Jeypore,Distkoraput,Orissa,764001
SBIN0012097 764002043 Baipariguda Jeypore Koraput Odisha
Dist. Koraput, Orissa - 764043
SBIN0013813 764002099 Rcpc-Jeypore Koraput Koraput Odisha
N.K.T. Road,Jeypore,Dist:Koraput,State-Orissa,Pin-764001
SBIN0016132 NA Koraput Evening Koraput Koraput Odisha
Malla Complex, Post Oiffice Road, Koraput, Distt.Koraput. Odisha-764020
SBIN0012098 NA Laxmipur Laxmipur Koraput Odisha
Opposite Veterenary Office. Main Road, Laxmipur, Distt.Koraput. Odisha-765013
SBIN0017970 NA Dasmanthpur Dasmanthpur Koraput Odisha
Block Office Complex, Dasmanthpur, Distt.Koraput. Odisha-764028
SBIN0018474 NA Adamunda-Malkangiri Koraput Koraput Odisha
Rajiv Gandhi Seva Kendra,Adamunda Malkangiri, Dist. Koraput,Orissa-764021
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