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You are here: Home » State Bank of India (SBI) » Odisha » Subarnapur (Sonepur) State Bank of India (SBI) District wise Branch list in Subarnapur (Sonepur) District of Odisha State, As on Mar 6, 2018 there are 13 neft, rtgs, enabled computerized State Bank of India (SBI) Branches in Subarnapur (Sonepur) District
Select your State Bank of India (SBI) branch below.
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  IFSC   MICR   Branch City District State
SBIN0001085 767017017 Sonepur Sonepur Subarnapur (Sonepur) Odisha
Distt. Sonepur, Orissa 767017
SBIN0002129 767002017 Tarbha Tarbha Subarnapur (Sonepur) Odisha
SBIN0003089 767002003 Dunguripali Adb Dunguripali Subarnapur (Sonepur) Odisha
Dist Sonepur State Orissa Pin 767023
SBIN0003715 767002018 Binka Binka Subarnapur (Sonepur) Odisha
SBIN0006179 766002118 Biswanathpur Biswanathpur Subarnapur (Sonepur) Odisha
SBIN0007079 767002019 Birmaharajpur Birmaharajpur Subarnapur (Sonepur) Odisha
SBIN0008876 768002049 Kumbhari Kumbhari Subarnapur (Sonepur) Odisha
SBIN0009294 767002021 Murusundhi Murusundhi Subarnapur (Sonepur) Odisha
SBIN0009658 767002022 Singhjuba Singhjuba Subarnapur (Sonepur) Odisha
Dist Sonepur,Orissa 767045
SBIN0009659 767002023 Dharmasala Sab Dharmasala Subarnapur (Sonepur) Odisha
Dist Sonepur,Orissa 767068
SBIN0009660 767002024 Ullunda Sonepur Subarnapur (Sonepur) Odisha
SBIN0012094 767002027 Sonepur Evening Branch Sonepur Subarnapur (Sonepur) Odisha
Near Block Office,Po: Sonepur,Dist Sonepur-767017
SBIN0017966 NA Khameswaripali Khameswaripali Subarnapur (Sonepur) Odisha
At/Po: Khameswaripali, Distt.Sonepur, Odisha-767017
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