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You are here: Home » State Bank of India (SBI) » Sikkim » East Sikkim State Bank of India (SBI) District wise Branch list in East Sikkim District of Sikkim State, As on Mar 6, 2018 there are 17 neft, rtgs, enabled computerized State Bank of India (SBI) Branches in East Sikkim District
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  IFSC   MICR   Branch City District State
SBIN0000232 737002002 Gantok Gantok East Sikkim Sikkim
SBIN0004259 737002111 Regional Office-Gangtok East Sikkim East Sikkim Sikkim
Dist. East Sikkim, Sikkim
SBIN0007097 737002005 Zero Point Gangtok East Sikkim Sikkim
31a, National Highway, Distt. East Sikkim, Sikkim 737101
SBIN0007515 737002134 Singtam Singtam East Sikkim Sikkim
Dist East Sikkim, Sikkim 737134
SBIN0007950 737002004 Tadong Tadong East Sikkim Sikkim
Daragaon, Tadong, Gangtok, East Sikkim, Sikkim 737 102
SBIN0008287 737002003 Deorali Bazar Deorali Bazar East Sikkim Sikkim
Dist East Sikkim Sikkim 737102
SBIN0008404 737002135 Rumtek Rumtek East Sikkim Sikkim
SBIN0008405 737002138 Makha Makha East Sikkim Sikkim
Dist East Sikkim,Sikkim 737138
SBIN0008507 737002007 Penegla Bojoghari East Sikkim Sikkim
Via Gangtok
SBIN0009034 737002006 Majhitar East Sikim East Sikkim Sikkim
Rangpo, T East Sikkim, Sikkim 737132
SBIN0009036 737002106 Pakyong Pakyong East Sikkim Sikkim
SBIN0010683 737002090 Rasmecc Cum Sarc Gangtok Gangtok East Sikkim Sikkim
Dist. East Sikkim, Sikkim
SBIN0012418 NA Ranka Ranka East Sikkim Sikkim
East Sikkim, Sikkim - 737101
SBIN0012421 737002008 Ranipool Ranipool East Sikkim Sikkim
Manoleela Bhawan, Samdur Block, Ranipool Bazar, Ranipool, East Sikkim District, Sikkim 737135
SBIN0013240 737002041 Sbpb-Gangtok Gangtok East Sikkim Sikkim
Mg Marg, East Sikkim, Gangtok, Pin-737101
SBIN0012419 NA Rakdong Tintek Rakdong Tintek East Sikkim Sikkim
P.O. Upper Samdong, Dist- East Sikkim
SBIN0032624 NA Gangtok Branch Gangtok East Sikkim Sikkim
Deep Building, Near Ayurvedic Research Centre, 31a National Highway, Sikkim 737102
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