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You are here: Home » State Bank of India (SBI) » Tamil Nadu » Nilgiris State Bank of India (SBI) District wise Branch list in Nilgiris District of Tamil Nadu State, As on Mar 6, 2018 there are 14 neft, rtgs, enabled computerized State Bank of India (SBI) Branches in Nilgiris District
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  IFSC   MICR   Branch City District State
SBIN0000828 643002006 Coonoor Coonoor Nilgiris Tamil Nadu
Coonoor, Nilgiris, Tamilnadu, Pin - 643102
SBIN0000891 643002002 Udhagamandalam Udhagamandalam Nilgiris Tamil Nadu
Commissioner Rd, Udhagamandalam, Nilgris,Tamilnadu
SBIN0001016 643002012 Gudalur Gudalur Nilgiris Tamil Nadu
New Panchayat Comp, Ootymysore Main Rd, Gudalur, Nilgiris
SBIN0002216 643002007 Indunagar Indunagar Nilgiris Tamil Nadu
Dist Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu 643005
SBIN0003162 643002009 Lovedale Lovedale Nilgiris Tamil Nadu
Lawrence School Lovedale Ootacamund The Nilgiris Distt Tamil Nadu 643003
SBIN0004876 643002059 Kotagiri Kotagiri Nilgiris Tamil Nadu
Unity Shopping Arcade, Mettupalayam Rd, Kotagiri, Nilgiris
SBIN0006874 643002001 Kilkothagiri Kilkothagiri Nilgiris Tamil Nadu
5 By 81 Bazaar Street, T Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu 643271
SBIN0007290 643002010 Ketty Valley Ketty Valley Nilgiris Tamil Nadu
182 By C Shantoor Road, Kettivalley, Coonoor Tk, Distt. Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu 643215
SBIN0007634 643002003 Bitherkad Bitherkad Nilgiris Tamil Nadu
4 By 33 Bitherkad, Pandalur Tk , Distt Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu 643240
SBIN0009215 643002020 Agalar Agalar Nilgiris Tamil Nadu
Thuneri P O Distt Nilgiris Via Ooty Tamil Nadu 643002
SBIN0013855 NA Rural Credit Processing Cell-Udhagamandalam Udhagamandalam Nilgiris Tamil Nadu
1, Commissioner Road, Udhagamandalam, The Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu - 643001
SBIN0015221 NA Dssc-Wellington Wellington Nilgiris Tamil Nadu
Defence Service Staff College, Wellington, District-Nilgiris - 643231
SBIN0070005 643009002 Ootacamund Udhagamandalam Nilgiris Tamil Nadu
P.B.No.22, Commercial Road, Ootacamund P.O, Nilgiris, Tamilnadu, Pin-643001
SBIN0070389 643009102 Coonoor Coonoor Nilgiris Tamil Nadu
P.B.No.33 Church Road, Bedford Circle, Coonoor H.P.O, Nilgiris, Tamilnadu, Pin-643101
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