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You are here: Home » State Bank of India (SBI) » West Bengal » Birbhum State Bank of India (SBI) District wise Branch list in Birbhum District of West Bengal State, As on Mar 6, 2018 there are 41 neft, rtgs, enabled computerized State Bank of India (SBI) Branches in Birbhum District
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  IFSC   MICR   Branch City District State
SBIN0000098 741002601 Jangipur Jangipur Birbhum West Bengal
Dist Murshidabad,W B 742225
SBIN0000165 731002102 Rampurhat Rampurhat Birbhum West Bengal
Dak Bunglow Para, Rampurhat, Birbhum Di.
SBIN0000191 731002302 Suri Birbhum Birbhum West Bengal
Dist Birbhum, West Bengal 731101
SBIN0001500 700002505 Ajodhya Ajodhya Birbhum West Bengal
Dist Howrah, W B 711312
SBIN0002002 731002801 Ahmadpur Ahmadpur Birbhum West Bengal
P.O.Ahmadpur,Birbhum,West Bengal
SBIN0002027 731002001 Bolpur Birbhum Birbhum West Bengal
Bolpur, West Bengal
SBIN0002052 731002802 Dubrajpur Birbhum Birbhum West Bengal
Dubrajpur S M Road Ward M 3 Birbhum Distt Birbhum West Bengal 731123
SBIN0002087 731002503 Mollarpur Mollarpur Birbhum West Bengal
Dist Birbhum,W B 731216
SBIN0002088 731002602 Murarai Burdwan Birbhum West Bengal
SBIN0002116 731002202 Sainthia Sainthia Birbhum West Bengal
Sainthia, Birbnum, W.B.-731234
SBIN0002121 731002003 Santiniketan Santiniketan Birbhum West Bengal
Birbhum, West Bengal
SBIN0003074 731002203 Sainthia Adb Sainthia Birbhum West Bengal
Near Anchal Panchayat Office,Sainthia,
SBIN0003080 731002803 Rajnagar Rajnagar Birbhum West Bengal
Dist Birbhum,West Bengal 731130
SBIN0004778 731002701 Kotasur Birbhum Birbhum West Bengal
SBIN0005920 731002103 Adb Nischintapur Nischintapur Birbhum West Bengal
SBIN0006033 700002221 Janai Hooghly Birbhum West Bengal
Hoogly West Bengal 712304
SBIN0006580 731002002 Bangachhatra Bangachhatra Birbhum West Bengal
Vill P.O. Bangachhatra,Dist Birbhum,West Bengal,Pin 731240
SBIN0006578 731002603 Bakreswar Birbhum Birbhum West Bengal
Birbhum, West.Bengal, Pin 731134
SBIN0006931 731002604 Tarapith Birbhum Birbhum West Bengal
Po Tarapithdist Birbhum
SBIN0007866 731002504 Parota Kirnahar Birbhum West Bengal
Parota Rd,P.O.Kirnahar,Birbhum,West Bengal
SBIN0008045 731002605 Kusumba Kusumba Birbhum West Bengal
Vill Akhira,Distt Birbhum,West Bengal 731224
SBIN0008531 731002606 Sohara Birbhum Birbhum West Bengal
Dist Birbhum,West Bengal 731238
SBIN0008540 731002243 Nalhati Nalhati Birbhum West Bengal
Dist Birbhum, W B 731243
SBIN0008728 731002505 Panrui Birbhum Birbhum West Bengal
SBIN0008731 732002127 Barduary Raiganj Birbhum West Bengal
Dist Malda,West Bengal 732151
SBIN0008735 700002183 Teghoria Raghunathpur-Kolkata Kolkata Birbhum West Bengal
Vill. Raghunathpur, P.O. Teghoria - Barasat, P.S.Rajhat,24 Pgs N ,W.B, Pin - 700059
SBIN0009312 731002608 Kamraghat Birbhum Birbhum West Bengal
Dist Birbhum,West Bengal 731216
SBIN0009963 731002807 Ganpur Sab Birbhum Birbhum West Bengal
Dist Birbhum,West Bengal 731216
SBIN0010192 370002014 Sukhpar Sukhpar Birbhum West Bengal
SBIN0011389 711002022 Udaynarayanpur Howrah Birbhum West Bengal
SBIN0012390 731002382 Rajgram Birbhum Birbhum West Bengal
Vill+ P.O - Rajgram,Birbhum,West Bengal,Pin-731229
SBIN0012391 NA Sriniketan Sriniketan Birbhum West Bengal
Vill. Sural, P.O. Sriniketan, Birbhum District, West Bengal - 731236
SBIN0012392 NA Suri Town Suri Town Birbhum West Bengal
Sovabazar, Rabindrapally On Dubrajpur Road, Suri Town, West Bengal - 731101
SBIN0014059 NA Margram Margram Birbhum West Bengal
Birbhum District, West Bengal - 731217
SBIN0014060 NA Purandarpur Purandarpur Birbhum West Bengal
Purandarpur, Birbhum District, West Bengal - 731129
SBIN0014063 NA Khayrasole Khayrasole Birbhum West Bengal
Birbhum District, West Bengal - 731125
SBIN0014061 NA Nandigram Nandigram Birbhum West Bengal
Vill.-Nandigram,P.O.- Bipronandigram, Dt.-Birbhum, West Bengal 731219
SBIN0015044 NA Nanoor Nanoor Birbhum West Bengal
P.S-Nanoor, P.O-Nanoor, Dist.;Birbhum,West Bengal-731301
SBIN0015448 NA Bhadrapur Bhadrapur Birbhum West Bengal
Vill.-Bhadrapur, P.O.- Bhadrapur, Dt.-Birbhum, West Bengal:731237
SBIN0016377 NA Lohapur Lohapur Birbhum West Bengal
Vill: Lohapur,P.O. Lohapur, Ps. Nalhati, Distt.Birbhum. West Bengal-731237 Mob-8001195339
SBIN0018611 NA Karidhya Birbhum Birbhum West Bengal
Village And Post Barabagan, Suri, Dist Birbhum, Wb-731103
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