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You are here: Home » State Bank of India (SBI) » West Bengal » Hooghly State Bank of India (SBI) District wise Branch list in Hooghly District of West Bengal State, As on Mar 6, 2018 there are 70 neft, rtgs, enabled computerized State Bank of India (SBI) Branches in Hooghly District
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  IFSC   MICR   Branch City District State
SBIN0000008 712002102 Arambagh Arambagh Hooghly West Bengal
Link Rd, P.O. Arambagh, Hooghly Di, W.B. 712601
SBIN0000053 700002222 Chandernagore Chandernagore Hooghly West Bengal
Rue De Cordery East Burrabazar P.O.Chander Nagar Hoogly West Bengal
SBIN0000056 700002229 Chinsurah Hooghly Hooghly West Bengal
Akhan Bazar, P.O. Chinsurah, Hooghly Di, W.B. 712101
SBIN0000178 700002181 Serampore Hooghly Hooghly West Bengal
Dist Hugli West Bengal 712201
SBIN0000225 700002502 Tribeni-Hooghly Hooghly Hooghly West Bengal
Btps Campus, Po.Tribeni, Dt.Hooghly, Wb, Pin 712503
SBIN0001400 700002504 Boinchee Boinchee Hooghly West Bengal
Dist Hoogly, West Bengal 712134
SBIN0001403 700002177 Uttar Para Hooghly Hooghly West Bengal
182, G T Road, Distt. Hooghly, West Bengal 712258
SBIN0001769 700002195 Sheoraphuli Sheoraphuli Hooghly West Bengal
Vill P.O. Sheoraphuli, Dist. Hooghly, W.B, 712223
SBIN0001745 700002220 Adb Chinsura Chinsura Hooghly West Bengal
Vill P.O. Chinsurah Hooghly W.B
SBIN0001744 712002103 Adb Arambagh Arambagh Hooghly West Bengal
Dist Hoogly, West Bengal 712601
SBIN0001771 700002187 Rishra Hooghly Hooghly Hooghly West Bengal
No.5,Sastitala Street,Rishra,pin712248
SBIN0001865 712002202 Tarkeswar Tarkeshwar Hooghly West Bengal
Choul Patty, P.O.Tarakeswar, Di.Hooghly, W.B. 712410
SBIN0001896 700002180 Dankuni Dankuni Hooghly West Bengal
Dist Hugli State West Bengal Pin 711234
SBIN0002021 700002223 Bhadreswar Bhadreswar Hooghly West Bengal
122 Station Road Distt Hooghly West Bengal 712124
SBIN0002006 700002506 Balagarh Sripur Bazar Hooghly West Bengal
SBIN0002041 700002246 Chengail Chengail Hooghly West Bengal
SBIN0002078 700002182 Konnagar Hooghly Hooghly West Bengal
209 By 1 Cripper Rd Po. Konnagar Hoogly Wb
SBIN0004646 700002515 Adb Pandua Pandua Hooghly West Bengal
Dist Hoogly, West Bengal 712149
SBIN0004776 700002218 Baidya Bati Howrah Hooghly West Bengal
287, G.T.Rd, P.O. Baidyabati, Jora Aswathatala,Hooghly, Wb
SBIN0004780 712002025 Mogra Hooghly Hooghly West Bengal
Dist Hoogly, West Bengal 712148
SBIN0005919 700002219 Bansberia Bansberia Hooghly West Bengal
Po Bansberiabibekananda Road
SBIN0005933 700002521 Deulti Deulti Hooghly West Bengal
SBIN0006115 712002614 Goghat Hooghly Hooghly West Bengal
Dist Hoogly,West Bengal 712614
SBIN0006150 712002602 Haripal Hooghly Hooghly West Bengal
Po. Khamarchandi, Distt. Hoogly, West Bengal 712403
SBIN0006195 712002603 Ghoshpur Hooghly Hooghly West Bengal
Dist Hoogly,West Bengal 712613
SBIN0006582 712002503 Kumirmorah Kumirmorah Hooghly West Bengal
SBIN0006581 712002502 Chiladangi Chiladangi Hooghly West Bengal
Dist Hoogly,West Bengal 712401
SBIN0006591 712002504 Badanganj Hooghly Hooghly West Bengal
SBIN0006592 712002505 Hajipur Hazipur Hooghly West Bengal
Dist Hoogly,West Bengal 712614
SBIN0006772 700002224 Mankundu Hooghly Hooghly West Bengal
53 J C Khan Road Distt Hoogly West Bengal 712136
SBIN0007205 712002524 Harit Hooghly Hooghly West Bengal
SBIN0008724 700002526 Jamgram Hooghly Hooghly West Bengal
Dist Hoogly,West Bengal 712146
SBIN0008727 731002805 Sasthinagar Labpur Hooghly West Bengal
P O Labpur
SBIN0009033 712002034 Harinkhola Hooghly Hooghly West Bengal
Po Amgaon Via Champadang,Dt Hooghly,West Bengal 712415
SBIN0009457 712002035 Gholdigrui Hooghly Hooghly West Bengal
Via Champadanga,Distt Hoogly,West Bengal
SBIN0009458 712002508 Vikdas Hooghly Hooghly West Bengal
SBIN0009459 712002509 Jayarampur Sab Hooghly Hooghly West Bengal
Po Routhkhana,Dt Hooghly,West Bengal 712429
SBIN0009462 712002510 Ramnathpur Hooghly Hooghly West Bengal
Po Kumirmorch,Dt Hooghly,West Bengal 712704
SBIN0009729 712002039 Maheshpur Hooghly Hooghly West Bengal
Po Sripur Kamarpukur,Dt Hooghly,West Bengal 712612
SBIN0009896 712002511 Saora Saora Hooghly West Bengal
SBIN0009897 712002512 Pandugram Pandugram Hooghly West Bengal
SBIN0010096 700002307 Singur Singur Hooghly West Bengal
Sankha Villa Nutun Bazar S N Mallick Road Singur Hooghly T Bengal
SBIN0010429 700002320 Champdani Bhadreswar Hooghly West Bengal
P O Bhadreswar, Distt. Hooghly, West Bengal
SBIN0010544 721002632 Gurap Hooghly Hooghly West Bengal
SBIN0010545 712002044 Dhaniakhali Hooghly Hooghly West Bengal
Central Bus Terminus,Hooghly,West Bengal 712302
SBIN0012443 712002599 Jangipara Jangipara Hooghly West Bengal
Hooghly District, West Bengal 712404
SBIN0012444 NA Chanditala Chanditala Hooghly West Bengal
Grihalakshmi, C/O- D K Adak, Vill Borijhati, P.O- Chanditala, Dist Hooghly, West Bengal - 712702
SBIN0012446 700002597 Guptipara Guptipara Hooghly West Bengal
Vill: Rath Thala ,Po: Guptipara,Dist:hooghly712512
SBIN0012447 NA Nalikul Nalikul Hooghly West Bengal
Hooghly District, West Bengal - 712407
SBIN0012449 712002513 Kable Hooghly Hooghly West Bengal
Tarakeswar, Arambag Road, Po: Dakshin Rasulpur, Dist: Hooghly, Pin: 712413
SBIN0012450 700002596 Dasghara Dasghara Hooghly West Bengal
Swarnalata Bhawan,Hooghly District, West Bengal - 712402
SBIN0012451 NA Mahesh Mahesh Hooghly West Bengal
Haridhan Bhawan, 236/1, G. T Road, Mahesh, Hooghly District - 712202
SBIN0012458 NA Khalisani Khalisani Hooghly West Bengal
Ma Sarada Bhawan, Station Road, Bowbazar, Khalisani, Hooghly District, West Bengal - 712138
SBIN0013991 712002799 Rcpc-Tarakeswar Tarakeswar Hooghly West Bengal
2nd Floor, Sbi Tarakeswar, Chowpatti, Tarakeswar - 712410, Hooghly District, West Bengal
SBIN0014092 NA Bhanderhati Bhanderhati Hooghly West Bengal
Bhanderhati, Hooghly District, West Bengal - 712301
SBIN0013418 NA Cac-Hooghly Kolkata Hooghly West Bengal
Sbi Serampore Branch Premises, Serampore 1st Floor, Hooghly, Dist:Hooghly-712201
SBIN0012448 NA Mosat Mosat Hooghly West Bengal
Vill&Po Mosat, Mosat Bazar,Distt-Hooghly, West Bengal-712701
SBIN0014088 NA Sheakhala Sheakhala Hooghly West Bengal
Nayan Apart, Sheakhala Chowrasta, Po+Vill Sheakhala, Ps Haripal,Sripatipur, Distt. - Hooghly, West Bengal-712706
SBIN0014090 NA Jirat Jirat Hooghly West Bengal
Jirat Bus Stand, Stkk Road (Assam Road), Po Patuligram, Ps Balagarh, Distt. Hooghly West Bengal-712501 Mob-9903582739
SBIN0014089 NA Chandanpur Chandanpur Hooghly West Bengal
Village And Post-Chandanpur, Ps-Haripal, Distt.Hooghly, West Bengal-712223
SBIN0014091 NA Gangadharpur Gangadharpur Hooghly West Bengal
Vill&Po-Gangadharpur Bazar. Ps-Chanditala, Distt.Hooghly. West Bengal-712306
SBIN0017458 NA Specialised Pb Branch-Chinsurah Hooghly Hooghly West Bengal
Rohara Plaza, Municipal Bus Stand,J.C.Ghosh Sarani,Post:Chinsurah,Distt.Hooghly.West Bengal-712101
SBIN0017998 NA Satithan Hoogly Hooghly West Bengal
Satithan, Vill:Nabagram, P.O:Nagbal, P.S:Dadpur, Distt.Hooghly. West Bengal-712305
SBIN0017999 NA Salepur Hoogly Hooghly West Bengal
Salepur, Vill & P.O : Salepur, P.S : Arambagh, Distt.Hooghly. West Bengal-712616
SBIN0017995 NA Sikhira Chapta Pandua Hooghly West Bengal
Sikhira Chapta Vill Bele Po Radhanagar Ps Pandua, Hooghly West Bengal 712147
SBIN0018009 NA Nasibpur Nasibpur Hooghly West Bengal
Purusottampurpur Post Mollasimla Distthooghly West Bengal 712223
SBIN0017368 NA Hindmotor Hind Motor Hooghly West Bengal
Nandalal Apartment New Station Road Po Hindmotor Distt Hooghly West Bengal
SBIN0018000 NA Arandi Arambagh Hooghly West Bengal
Arandi Arambagh Distt Hooghly West Bengal 712413
SBIN0018019 NA Mayapur Mayapur Hooghly West Bengal
Mayapur Vill Post Dihibayra Arambagh Distt Hooghly West Bengal 712413
SBIN0017367 NA Makhla Makhla Hooghly West Bengal
Royalorchid,Tn.Mukherjeeroad,Po Makhla,Distt.Hooghly.westbengal712245
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