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You are here: Home » State Bank of India (SBI) » West Bengal » Purulia State Bank of India (SBI) District wise Branch list in Purulia District of West Bengal State, As on Mar 6, 2018 there are 31 neft, rtgs, enabled computerized State Bank of India (SBI) Branches in Purulia District
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  IFSC   MICR   Branch City District State
SBIN0000160 723002002 Purulia Purulia Purulia West Bengal
Court Rd, Purulia, W.Bengal 723101
SBIN0001742 723002501 Adra Adra Purulia West Bengal
Bank Paralower Beniasoleadra , Purulia
SBIN0002008 723002502 Barabazar Purulia Purulia West Bengal
Dist Purulia,West Bengal 723127
SBIN0002067 723002503 Hura Hura Purulia West Bengal
Dist Purulia, West Bengal 723130
SBIN0002085 723002504 Manbazar Manbazar Purulia West Bengal
SBIN0004770 723002505 Para Purulia Purulia West Bengal
Dist Purulia,West Bengal 723126
SBIN0006796 723002506 Kesargarh Village Br Burdwan Purulia West Bengal
SBIN0007005 723002507 Arra Purulia Purulia West Bengal
Lower Jharigadi,Adra,Distt Purulia,West Bengal 723121
SBIN0007101 723002508 Jhalda Jhalda Purulia West Bengal
SBIN0007209 723002509 Bispuria Purulia Purulia West Bengal
SBIN0007778 723002510 Bhojudih Coal Washery Purulia Purulia West Bengal
Santaldih,Dt Purulia,West Bengal 723145
SBIN0008201 713002622 Parulia Burdwan Purulia West Bengal
SBIN0008544 723002511 Raghunathpur Raghunathpur Purulia West Bengal
Dist Purulia, West Bengal 723133
SBIN0008712 736002508 Balika Bandar Cooch Behar Purulia West Bengal
SBIN0008916 721002831 Dalpara Purba Medinipur Purulia West Bengal
SBIN0008933 630002833 Chokkanathapuram Chokkanathapuram Purulia West Bengal
45 Middle Street, Distt. Sivaganga, Tamil Nadu 630313
SBIN0009323 723002514 Ichag Purulia Purulia West Bengal
Po Jhalda,Dt Purulia,West Bengal 723202
SBIN0009720 723002516 Mahatamara Sab Purulia Purulia West Bengal
SBIN0009718 723002515 Kunchiya Sab Purulia Purulia West Bengal
SBIN0009730 723002517 Baram Purulia Purulia West Bengal
Po Thakursuma,Via Jaipur,Dt Purulia,West Bengal 723201
SBIN0009898 723002518 Puryara Purulia Purulia West Bengal
SBIN0009899 723002519 Kalaboni Sab Purulia Purulia West Bengal
SBIN0010227 723002006 Purulia Town Purulia Purulia West Bengal
Deshbandhu Road, Distt Purulia, West Bengal 723101
SBIN0012398 NA Anara Anara Purulia West Bengal
Purulia District, West Bengal - 723126
SBIN0012394 NA Balarampur Rangadih Purulia West Bengal
P.O. - Rangadih, P.S. - Balarampur, Dist:Purulia-723143
SBIN0014057 NA Nituria Nituria Purulia West Bengal
Villa + P.O. : Nituria,Dist - Purulia,West Bengal 723121
SBIN0015936 NA Boro Boro Purulia West Bengal
Vill And Po- Boro, Distt. Purulia, West Bengal - 723131
SBIN0015939 NA Kotshila Kotshila Purulia West Bengal
Village And P.O. : Kotshila, Distt. Purulia, West Bengal-723213
SBIN0016718 NA Spl Pbb Purulia Purulia Purulia West Bengal
Purulia, P.O. : Purulia, Distt.Purulia, West Bengal-723304
SBIN0014056 NA Gor Joypur Gor Joypur Purulia West Bengal
Villa + P.O. : Gor Joypur, Dist - Purulia, West Bengal-723201.
SBIN0017562 NA Kashipur Puruliya Purulia West Bengal
Loharpara Thana Road Kashipur Distt Purulia West bengal723132
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