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You are here: Home » Yes Bank Ltd » Uttar Pradesh » Lakhimpur Kheri Yes Bank Ltd District wise Branch list in Lakhimpur Kheri District of Uttar Pradesh State, As on Mar 6, 2018 there are 9 neft, rtgs, enabled computerized Yes Bank Ltd Branches in Lakhimpur Kheri District
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  IFSC   MICR   Branch City District State
YESB0LUBGNI NA Ucb Lakhimpur Guru Nanak Inter Coll Lakhimpur Lakhimpur Kheri Uttar Pradesh
Guru Nanak Inter College, Sitapur Road, Lakhimpur Kheri - 262701
YESB0LUBGOL 262829902 Ucb Lakhimpur Gola Gokarnnath Gola Gokaran Nath Lakhimpur Kheri Uttar Pradesh
Mohammdi Road, Gola Gokarnnath, Lakhimpur Kheri - 262802
YESB0LUBLMP 262829702 Ucb Lakhimpur Lakhimpur Lakhimpur Kheri Uttar Pradesh
Main Road, Opp Tehseel, Lakhimpur Kheri - 262701
YESB0LUBMOH NA Ucb Lakhimpur Mohammdi Mohammadi Lakhimpur Kheri Uttar Pradesh
Mohalla Bazar Ganj, Mohammdi, Lakhimpur Kheri - 262804
YESB0LUBOEL NA Ucb Lakhimpur Oel Oel Lakhimpur Kheri Uttar Pradesh
Station Road, Oel, Lakhimpur Kheri - 262725
YESB0LUBPAL 262829421 Ucb Lakhimpur Palia Kalan Palia Kalan Lakhimpur Kheri Uttar Pradesh
Phalhari Market, Palia Kalan, Lakhimpur Kheri - 262902
YESB0LUBSNG NA Ucb Lakhimpur Singhai Singhai Lakhimpur Kheri Uttar Pradesh
Main Road, Singhai, Lakhimpur Kheri - 262905
YESB0LUBKRD NA Ucb Lakhimpur Kheri Road Lakhimpur Lakhimpur Kheri Uttar Pradesh
Cp No 102, Raj Nagar Yojna, Awas Vikas Colony, Kheri Road, Lakhimpur Kheri 262701
YESB0LUBNRD NA Ucb Lakhimpur Nighasan Road Lakhimpur Lakhimpur Kheri Uttar Pradesh
House - 18, Hathipur North, Nighasan Road, Lakhimpur Kheri 262701
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