List of All NEFT, RTGS enabled bank branches in India. To Find IFSC Code, MICR Code Select your bank below.
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Select Your Bank for IFSC/MICR Code: Select Your Bank for IFSC/MICR CodesOR Browse All Banks List for IFSC/MICR/Branch Codes.
IFSC: Indian Financial System Code. The Payment Systems such as National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT), Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) & Centralized Funds Management System (CFMS) used IFS Codes. IFSC developed by the Reserve Bank of India.
The code consists of 11 Characters : (e.g ICIC0000438) First 4 characters represent the entity (ICIC0000438) Fifth position has been defaulted with a '0' (Zero) for future use (ICIC0000438) Last 6 character denotes the branch identity (ICIC0000438)
IFSC is being identified by the RBI as the code to be used for various payment system projects within the country, and it would, in due course, cover all networked branches. As on there are more than 0 RTGS enabled bank branches. Click here for newly updated branches list.