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As on Mar 6, 2018 there are 10 NEFT, RTGS, enabled computerized bank branches in Risod, Washim District, Maharashtra State
  IFSC   MICR   Branch City District State
SBIN0002173 444002726 Risod Risod Washim Maharashtra
Dist Washim, Maharashtra 444508
ADCC0000099 444831555 Risod Main Branch Risod Washim Maharashtra
The Akola District Central Coop. Bank Ltd,Branch Risod Main, At. Po. Tq. Risod, Dist. Washim. 444506
ADCC0000100 444831556 Risod City Branch Risod Washim Maharashtra
The Akola District Central Coop. Bank Ltd,Branch Risod City, At. Po. Tq. Risod, Dist. Washim. 444506
ADCC0000104 444831560 Haral Branch Risod Washim Maharashtra
The Akola District Central Coop. Bank Ltd,Branch Haral, At. Po. Haral, Tq. Risod, Dist. Washim. 444510
ADCC0000105 444831561 Mop Branch Risod Washim Maharashtra
The Akola District Central Coop. Bank Ltd,Branch Mop, At. Po. Mop, Tq. Risod, Dist. Washim 444506
BKID0009246 444013507 Risod Risod Washim Maharashtra
Ward No.3, Near Bazar Samiti, Lohi Road, At & Post - Risod, Dist - Washim , Pin Code - 4440505
MAHB0001719 444014399 Risod Risod Washim Maharashtra
Varma Complex, Civil Lines, At Post Risod, Tal-Risod, Dist Washim - 444506
AKJB0000003 444364504 Risod Risod Washim Maharashtra
Janvaibhav, Main Road, Civil Line, Risod Pin 4440506
ADCC0000108 NA Chikhali Extension Counter Risod Washim Maharashtra
The Akola District Central Cooperative Bank Ltd, Chikhali
HDFC0CCUB21 444824501 The Chikhli Urban Co Op Bank Ltd Risod Washim Maharashtra
Mahananda Complex Loni Road Risod
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