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As on Mar 6, 2018 there are 16 NEFT, RTGS, enabled computerized bank branches in Chopda, Jalgaon District, Maharashtra State
  IFSC   MICR   Branch City District State
ICIC0001483 425229501 Chopda-Maharashtra Chopda Jalgaon Maharashtra
Icici Bank Ltd, Shop No 48-55, Narayan Wadi Complex, College Road, Chopda- 425107, Jalgaon Dist, Maharshtra.
SBIN0000351 425002778 Chopda Chopda Jalgaon Maharashtra
Jalgaon, Maharashtra 425107
BKID0000671 425013501 Chopda Chopda Jalgaon Maharashtra
M G Road Chopda
MAHB0001590 425014199 Chopada Chopda Jalgaon Maharashtra
Kamala Hospital Bldg,Opp. Lohana Petrol Pump, Narayanwadi, Chopada, Dist Jalgaon - Pin 425107
JPCB0000025 425999025 Chopda Branch Chopda Jalgaon Maharashtra
City Survey No.2528/2529,Near Ambedkar Statue,Chopda ,Dist. Jalgaon.
HDFC0003335 425240503 Chopda Chopda Jalgaon Maharashtra
Hdfc Bank Ltd, Ground Floor, Bhai Kotwal Road, Chopda, Jalgaon Maharashtra 425107
JJSB0000033 425507507 Chopada Chopda Jalgaon Maharashtra
Ground Floor C T S No 2378,2379 Pathak Galli,Main Road,Chopda
KKBK0UCB502 NA The Urban Co Op Bank Ltd Chopda Chopda Jalgaon Maharashtra
The Urban Co Op Bank Ltd, Rani Laxmi Bazar Chow, Bazar Peth, Chopda (Dist - Jalgaon)
SVCB0009025 425809501 Peoples Bk Hingoli-Chopda Chopda Jalgaon Maharashtra
Kamal Hospital Building, Ground Floor, Narayanwadi Road, Chopda Tq. Chopda Dist. Jalgaon
HDFC0CCPCBL 425815501 Chopda Peoples Coop Bank Ltd Chopda Chopda Jalgaon Maharashtra
The Peoples Co Op Bank Ltd Chopda, Rath Galli Chopda Pin 425107
CNRB0004864 NA Chopda Chopda Jalgaon Maharashtra
Dr. Vikas Hartalkar Opp.Tehsil Office Main Road, Chopda, Pin-425107 Dist: Jalgaon
UTIB0002599 425211501 Chopda Chopda Jalgaon Maharashtra
Ground Floor Cts No 2700 Mahatma Gandhi Road Main Road Chopda Dist Jalgaon
UTIB0SCPCB1 NA The Chopda Peoples Co-Op Bank Ltd Chopda Jalgaon Maharashtra
Rath Galli Chopda 425107
SBIN0021225 NA Chopda Chopda Jalgaon Maharashtra
Gandhi Chowk Chopra Jalgaon District Maharastra 425107
ICIC0004172 425229510 Vadhoda Chopda Jalgaon Maharashtra
A/P Vadhoda Tal Chopda Dist Jalgaon Pin 425108
ICIC0004173 425229511 Welode Chopda Jalgaon Maharashtra
A/P Welode Tal Chopda Dist Jalgaon Pin 425108
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