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As on Mar 6, 2018 there are 17 NEFT, RTGS, enabled computerized bank branches in Goraya, Jalandhar District, Punjab State
  IFSC   MICR   Branch City District State
UTIB0001477 144211302 Goraya Goraya Jalandhar Punjab
Gorund Floor, Village Sargundi, G T Road , Goraya, Dist. Jalandhar, Punjab , Pin 144409
HDFC0001353 144240203 G.T.Road-Goraya Punjab Goraya Jalandhar Punjab
SBIN0013682 NA Bara Pind Goraya Jalandhar Punjab
Bara Pind Goraya Main Road,Tehsil Goraya,Dist:Jalandhar-144418
PUNB0018500 144024302 Goraya Goraya Jalandhar Punjab
G T Road Goraya Punjab
BKID0006414 144013302 Goraya Goraya Jalandhar Punjab
Bank Of India, Goraya Branch, Hi-Life Furniture, G T Road, Goraya 144409 Distt Jalandhar
CBIN0280359 NA Goraya Goraya Jalandhar Punjab
G.T. Road, Goraya Dist: Jalandhar 144409
BARB0GORAYA 144012302 Goraya Branch Goraya Jalandhar Punjab
Goraya Branch,G.T.Road, Goraya Dist. Jallandhar,Goraya,144409
CNRB0002111 NA Mahal (Goraya) Goraya Jalandhar Punjab
P.B.No.39, Mahal (Goraya), Pin 144 409,
UBIN0551031 144026302 Goraya Goraya Jalandhar Punjab
Boparai, G.T. Road, P.O. Goraya, Dist. Jalandhar, Punjab, Pin - 144 409.
UCBA0000637 144028452 Atta Goraya Goraya Jalandhar Punjab
G.T.Road,Goraya Jalandhar
CLBL0000009 144545452 Goraya Goraya Jalandhar Punjab
G.T. Road, Goraya-144409, Distt. Jalandhar
ICIC0002103 144229452 Goraya Goraya Jalandhar Punjab
Icici Bank Ltd, C/O Badal Toka, G.T. Road, Goraya - 144409, Jalandhar Dist, Punjab
YESB0000275 144532452 Goraya Goraya Jalandhar Punjab
Ground Floor,Navi Tower, G.T.Road,Po- Goraya, Dist Jalandhar Goraya-144409
YESB0CB0009 NA Citizens Urban Coop Bank Goraya Goraya Jalandhar Punjab
Gt Road, Goraya - 144409
PSIB0021482 NA Nawa Pind Naichan Goraya Jalandhar Punjab
Goraya Tehsil Phillaur Distt Jalandhar Pb 144409
SBIN0050680 144007305 Goraya P & Sb Goraya Jalandhar Punjab
G.T.Road,Goraya The. Phillaur Distt Jalandhar
SBIN0050071 144007452 Goraya Goraya Jalandhar Punjab
G.T.Road,Goraya The. Phillaur Distt Jalandhar
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