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As on Mar 6, 2018 there are 15 NEFT, RTGS, enabled computerized bank branches in Kotputli, Jaipur District, Rajasthan State
  IFSC   MICR   Branch City District State
ICIC0000652 303229075 Kotputli Kotputli Jaipur Rajasthan
Icici Bank Ltd, Shri Ganesh Traders, Opp. Park, Panjabio Ki Gali, Kotputtali -303108, Rajasthan
HDFC0002128 303240102 Kotputli Kotputli Jaipur Rajasthan
Kotputli Hdfc Bank Ltd Krishna Talkies Road Basadi Kotputli Pin 303108
PUNB0669100 303024201 Kotputli Jaipur Kotputli Jaipur Rajasthan
Opposite Krishana Takij Distt Jaipur Rj 303108
CBIN0283712 NA Kotputli Kotputli Jaipur Rajasthan
Near Girls College, Dabla Road, P.O.Kotputli, Dist- Jaipur, Rajasthan-303108
BARB0KOTPUT 303012075 Kotputhli-Dist Jaipur Kotputli Jaipur Rajasthan
Naitional Highway No. 8, Kotputli. Dist. Jaipur. 303108
CNRB0003270 303015075 Kotputli Jaipur Dist Kotputli Jaipur Rajasthan
Canara Bank, Diwamn Mall, Bansur Road, Kotputti -303 108, Jaipur Dist, Rajasthan
UBIN0553531 303026075 Kotputli Kotputli Jaipur Rajasthan
Shri Krishna Plaza, Dabla Road, Dist.Kotputli, Rajasthan, Pin - 303 108
UCBA0000486 303028075 Kotputli Kotputli Jaipur Rajasthan
Main Market,Behind Bus Stand,Jaipur
IBKL0000760 NA Kotputli Kotputli Jaipur Rajasthan
Krishna Talkies Road, Near Sbi, Basadi, Kotputli, Rajasthan.
BKID0006697 303013155 Kotputli Kotputli Jaipur Rajasthan
Bank Of India Kotputli Branchp Lot No 20 Ward no9 Pithwali Mohalla Basadi Kotputli Distt Jaipur
BARB0BARNAG NA Barnagar Kotputli Jaipur Rajasthan
Po Barnagar Teh Kotputli Dist Jaipur Rajasthan 303106
UTIB0002818 303211003 Kotputli Kotputli Jaipur Rajasthan
Ground Floor Khasra No 1196 044 Mansi Market Kishna Takies Road Nh 8 Kotputli 303108
SBIN0050618 303007075 Kotputli Kotputli Jaipur Rajasthan
National High Way No-8 Kotputli -303108
SBIN0031037 303003037 Kotputli Kotputli Jaipur Rajasthan
Distt. Jaipur - 303108
SBIN0032305 303003208 Gordhanpura Kotputli Jaipur Rajasthan
Gordhanpura Chowki, Jpr-Del Highway, Pin-303108
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