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As on Mar 6, 2018 there are 12 NEFT, RTGS, enabled computerized bank branches in Nurmahal, Jalandhar District, Punjab State
  IFSC   MICR   Branch City District State
ICIC0000079 144229602 Jallandhar-Nurmahal Nurmahal Jalandhar Punjab
Mandi Road, Near Roop Marriage Palace, Nurmahal, Jallandhar, Punjab. 141309
HDFC0001095 144240220 Nurmahal-Jalandhar Nurmahal Jalandhar Punjab
Hdfc Bank Ltd.Shopper Paradise Buildingmandi Road,Distt.Jalandhar
PUNB0080100 144024602 Nurmahal Nurmahal Jalandhar Punjab
Nurmahal, Distt Jalandhar Punjab 144039
BKID0006417 144013602 Nurmahal Nurmahal Jalandhar Punjab
Bank Of India ,Nurmahal Branch,Near Id Mechanical Works,Mandi Road,Nurmahal
CNRB0002121 NA Nurmahal Nurmahal Jalandhar Punjab
Naya Bazaar, Nurmahal 141 309, Punjab
UCBA0002310 144028255 Noormahal Nurmahal Jalandhar Punjab
Samra Market Nakodar Road,Noormahal-144039
PSIB0000390 NA Nurmahal Nurmahal Jalandhar Punjab
Village & Post Office Nurmahal Distt. Jalandhar-144309
CLBL0000010 144545602 Nurmahal Nurmahal Jalandhar Punjab
Main Road, Nurmahal - 144039, Distt. Jalandhar
YESB0000276 144532602 Nurmahal Nurmahal Jalandhar Punjab
Ground Floor,Khasra No 376/435 Mandi Road,Po Nurmahal Tehsil Phillaur Nurmahal-144039
YESB0CB0008 NA Citizens Urban Coop Bank Nurmahal Nurmahal Jalandhar Punjab
Mandi Road, Nurmahal - 144039
UTIB0003031 NA Nurmahal Nurmahal Jalandhar Punjab
Gr Fl Khewat Khatuni 453 506 Bearing 55 30 1 2 0 Hadbast No 64 Mandi Road Nurmahal Jalandhar 144039
SBIN0050681 144007602 Nurmahal Nurmahal Jalandhar Punjab
Main Bazar Vpo Nurmahal,Distt Jalandhar
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