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YESB0000673 IFSC Code for Yes Bank Ltd Harda-Madhya Pradesh branch located at Madhya Pradesh state, Harda district, and branch Address is Part Gr.Flr,Khasra No.141/57/58, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel Ward, Harda Khurd, Harda, Madhya Pradesh, Pin- 461331, Branch Contact numbers 222854 Branch code is 000673 last six characters of the IFSC Code.
Bank Information

Yes Bank Ltd
Phone: +91 (22) 6669 9000
email: [email protected]

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Branch Information Last updated Nov 23, 2015
IFSC: YESB0000673
MICR: 461532101
Branch Code: 000673
District: HARDA
Contact: 222854
Map Location of Harda, Madhya Pradesh
Harda-Madhya Pradesh
Harda-Madhya Pradesh
Harda-Madhya Pradesh
What is IFSC Code YESB0000673?
IFSC or Indian Financial System Code is an alpha-numeric code that uniquely identifies a bank-branch participating in the NEFT system.
This is an 11 digit code with the first 4 alpha characters representing the bank, and the last 6 characters representing the branch.
The 5th character is 0 (zero).
IFSC is used by the NEFT system to identify the originating / destination banks / branches and also to route the messages appropriately to the concerned banks / branches.

IFSC is 11 alpha numeric characters code assigned by Reserve Bank of India to bank branches for facilitating online money / fund transfer using NEFT, RTGS or ECS between two bank accounts.

  • The code consists of 11 Characters : (YESB0000673) 11 alpha numeric characters code assigned by Reserve Bank of India to Yes Bank Ltd Harda-Madhya Pradesh Branch
  • First 4 characters represent the entity (YESB0000673)
  • Fifth position has been defaulted with a '0' (Zero) for future use (ICIC0000673)
  • Last 6 character denotes the branch identity (ICIC0000673)

What is MICR Code 461532101?
Magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) is a character recognition technology used primarily by the banking industry to facilitate the processing of cheques.
MICR characters are printed in special typefaces with a magnetic ink or toner, usually containing iron oxide. A special machine is used to read these characters, which can be easily read by humans too. The characters are usually printed on the bottom strip of cheque leaf.
This MICR code is used By RBI (Reserve bank Of India) clearing process to identify the branch and bank for clearing processes.
MICR 461532101 is 9 digits code printed on cheques to facilitate and expedite clearance of cheques in banking system.

Disclaimer: All the informations are provided with care. All Bank, Branch and IFSC Code, MICR Code details are collected from RBI(Reserve Bank of India) website. It may contain human errors and/or technical errors. All the users are requested to double check the details obtained from this website before using them. We are not responsible for any lose or problems with / by using / due to/ the information provided on this website Please read our disclaimer before using informations from this website.

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